Rep. Joe Wilson Gets Windfall Of Cash
...After Obama Incident
September 12. 2009

Rep. Joe Wilson
Congressional representative, Joe Wilson, whose outburst during U.S. President
Barack Obama's speech this week,
caused a massive amount of controversy, when he
exclaimed the words,
"You lie" has seen a
significant increase in campaign donations. $750,000 to be exact.
S.C.'s Wilson Rakes In $750,000 in Less Than 48 Hours; Opponent Tops $1
With a political arms race in full force, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) has raised
almost $750,000 in less than 48 hours since his shout of "You lie!" to President
Obama during the Wednesday address to Congress, almost matching the
Internet-fueled haul of his likely Democratic opponent.
A senior GOP official said Wilson, who apologized to White House Chief of Staff
Rahm Emanuel after the health-care speech but has since refused a more public
apology, has turned his own previous sleepy campaign machine into an
Web-friendly effort.
Just as liberals have poured cash into the campaign of Rob Miller, who lost to
Wilson by almost eight percentage points in 2008, conservatives are pouring
contributions into Wilson's campaign at an astonishing rate...
To put this fund-raising haul in perspective, Wilson, by early next week, could
equal the total amount of money he raised in the entire two-year-election cycle
of 2008, when he raised a little more than $1.1 million.
Miller, by contrast, raised just $390,000 in donations for the entire 2008 cycle
and lent himself another $235,000 of his own money, according to records filed
with the Federal Election Commission. So he's already doubled, in just two days,
his total donations over a two-year period...