Public Demands John Wayne's Name Be Removed
From California Airport Due To Heinous Racist Statements The Actor
Made In An InterviewJuly 2. 2020

John Wayne also known as "Duke"
The late Hollywood actor John Wayne, real name
Marion Michael Morrison, has come under fire over terrible, racist
statements he made in a 1971 interview. Wayne's words are
astonishing, especially in light of the fact that 1971 was not long
ago. People in California now seek to return the name of John Wayne
Airport back to the Orange County Airport, and remove the statue
dedicated to him that sits in front of the property.
Wayne disgracefully stated of black people, "I
believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point
of responsibility. I don't believe in giving authority and positions
of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people. I don't feel
guilty about the fact that five or 10 generations ago these people
were slaves."

John Wayne statue
Wayne cruelly stated of Native Americans, "I don't
feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. Our
so-called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of
survival. There were great numbers of people who needed
new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for
Millions of Native Americans were killed and their
land stolen by white foreigners who descended upon America's shores.
To this day, many Native Americans speak ill of the individuals who
massacred millions of their ancestors out of sheer greed and racism, then stole
their land, also known as America. Many African-Americans died in
transit from Africa and were thrown overboard, fed to the sharks in
the Atlantic during the weeks long journey, while more were murdered
in America by evil slavemasters during slavery. To make light of
that, as Wayne did, is despicable. Wayne's name shouldn't be on
anything other than his tombstone.
New push to remove John Wayne's name from airport in light of
racist, homophobic comments
Published 2 days ago - SANTA ANA, Calif. - In the
latest move to change place names in light of U.S. racial history,
leaders of Orange County's Democratic Party are pushing to drop film
legend John Wayne's name, statue and other likenesses from the
county's airport because of his racist and bigoted comments.
The Los Angeles Times reported that earlier this
week, officials passed an emergency resolution condemning Wayne's
"racist and bigoted statements" made in a 1971 interview and are
calling on the Orange County Board of Supervisors to drop his name,
statue and other likenesses from the international airport...