Preventing Troop Suicides
November 17. 2009

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown (left) and U.S.
President Barack Obama (right)
The U.S. and British governments need to take up a
initiative to prevent troop suicides. According to press reports, the number of
troops committing suicide has regrettably risen. That number should
be 0.
The men and women in the military have been exposed
to the horrors of war. Whether they realize it or not, they need counseling
and support, as they are human, regardless of being trained to be
apart of the military machine.
To the troops: the American and British people do
not hate you. They hate the wars and what they are doing to families and
the economy. Do not commit suicide. Have faith that things will get
better. Obama certainly didn't start these wars, but he can end
Army suicides set another yearly
November 17, 2009 7:57 p.m. EST -
Washington (CNN) -- Suicides among soldiers this year have topped last year's
record-breaking numbers, but Army officials maintain a recent trend downward
could mean the service is making headway on its programs designed to reduce the
problem, Army officials said Tuesday.
Since January, 140 active-duty soldiers have killed themselves while another 71
Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers killed themselves in the same time
period, totaling 211 as of Tuesday, Gen. Peter Chiarelli, U.S. Army vice chief
of staff, told reporters at a briefing Tuesday. But he said the monthly numbers
are starting to slow down as the year nears its end.
"This is horrible, and I do not want to downplay the significance of these
numbers in any way," Chiarelli said.
For all of 2008, the Army said 140 active-duty soldiers killed themselves while
57 Guard and Reserve soldiers committed suicide, totaling 197, according to Army
The Army is still trying to tackle why soldiers are killing themselves...
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