President-Elect Joe Biden And The
Coming Financial Disasters
Biden And Obama Are Not Equipped To Handle The
Economic Damage From The Coronavirus
December 29. 2020

Joe Biden and Barack Obama are in over their head with the
coronavirus financial predicament and don't even know it
Today the lyrics of Don Henley's "The
End Of The Innocence" came to mind in thinking of Biden,
where the lines state "'Beautiful for spacious
skies'/Now those skies are threatening/Their beating
plowshares into swords for this tired old man that we
elected king/ Armchair warriors often fail and we've
been poisoned by these fairytales/Lawyers clean up all
details since daddy had to lie."
The line, "lawyers clean up all details
since daddy had to lie" reminds me of president-elect
Joe Biden lying his butt off for his son who is under
criminal investigation for serious financial fraud (Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's
Son Hunter Biden Being Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI
President Elect-Joe Biden's Son Hunter Biden And Brother
James Biden Are Under Criminal Investigation For
Financial Fraud).
Joe Biden is also like the "tired old
man we elected king" and the public has been sold
"fairytales." He's proclaimed "America is back" and
"ready to lead" but that's not true. America is not
back. He hasn't a clue.
He doesn't know what he is doing
(Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And
Debunked On '60 Minutes') and the U.S. economy is going to hit
an unprecedented disaster under a dementia plagued,
senile old man and his handler, Barack Obama (China Set To Overtake The U.S.
Economy As The World Number One Due The Coronavirus And How It Was
Handled By The Government Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As
Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His
Annoyance But Confirming Previous Site Claims
Now That Barack Obama Is Headed For His Third Term In
Office Through Joe Biden Will He Resume The
Extrajudicial Killings (Articles)
Evidence Uncovered Of Election Fraud
As Voting Machines Stole Donald Trump Votes And Gave Them To Joe Biden In The
Presidential Election
Joe Biden Is A Power Hungry Criminal
From The Obama Administration Following A Movie Script
News Report:
Obama IRS Targeted Christians As Previously Stated On
The Site
Joe Biden's New Chief Of Staff
Stated Elections In American Are Rigged
What Does Joe Biden Truly Expect Of
Kamala Harris
President-Elect Joe Biden Is Just A