President Joe Biden Rushed Out
Of D-Day Ceremony After Falling Asleep And Pooping
His Pants (Videos)
Biden Rushing Out Of There Looked Like A
Failed Adult Diaper Commercial (He Needs To Switch
June 7. 2024
Many on social networking are
slamming President Joe Biden for falling asleep
during the D-Day ceremony this week. Upon his
arrival, Biden looked around confused like he did
not know who he is or why he was there. This is due
to Lewy Body Dementia that he is struggling with
that has rendered him mentally impaired. Biden also
fell asleep during the D-Day anniversary event,
which was quickly picked up by the cameras.
To make matters worse, Biden then
did an awkward squat, then his wife, First Lady Jill
Biden, had to rush him out of the event, with many
speculating he pooped in his pants and needed a
diaper change. Biden is old, feeble and ailing. it
is not the image Americans want projected in the
world concerning the sitting U.S. President.
Biden's puppeteer, former U.S.
President, Barack Obama, continues with this elder
abuse that is hastening the demise of Biden's
health, all so Obama can have additional illegal
terms in office, which is ruining the country.
Americans can't afford America. There is war in
Ukraine and Gaza.

President Joe Biden arrived at a D-Day event
this week looking completely confused
What will Obama do if Biden's health
massively fails in office and the whole scam
unravels for the world to see. What charade will
they pull then. What will they tell the public
regarding a fraud that is about to go severely
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