President Joe Biden Is Soft On
Crime Which Has Caused A Surge In Criminal Activity
In America
February 16. 2023

Joe Biden photo and caption from Twitter
regarding him contradicting his statements like a
hypocrite in legislating by executive orders
Mass shootings have skyrocketed and
it is only February. The overall crime rate in
America has skyrocketed under President Joe Biden.
The criminals are not afraid of him. They view him
as a feeble, crazy old man who is not in charge of
his faculties.
Many in America also view Biden as a
hypocrite. People don't respect hypocrisy. Evidence
points to Biden and his family being involved in
significant criminal activity, which is an indicator
he is corrupt and should not be president:
Mainstream Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As
Barack Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance But Confirming
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