President Joe Biden Is Refusing
To Take A Cognitive Test Due To The Fact He Has
Dementia And Would Be Removed From Office
February 15. 2024

Joe Biden
Reports online state U.S. President
Joe Biden is refusing to take a cognitive test.
Biden has Lewy Body dementia, which has created an
enormous amount of neurological damage to his brain
(U.S. President Joe Biden
Continues To Display Signs Of Dementia Indicating He Needs To Be
Impeached For The Safety Of America And The World (Videos)).
Biden had three strokes and two aneurysm in the
past, and the high stress of his job in Congress
then the White House, has battered his brain into a
significantly impaired state.

Joe Biden
Under U.S. medical guidelines Biden
would be ruled mentally disabled due to dementia and
removed under the 25th amendment due to disability.
Hence his handlers,
mainly Barack Obama,
fighting to block all proper and independent medical
testing, which would reveal the truth about Biden's
poor health. Biden's constant gaffes, chronic
forgetfulness, confusion, hallucinations, sundowning,
poor gait, repeatedly falls, and angry outbursts,
all form the profile of someone with Lewy Body
Joe Biden refuses to take cognitive test at
his next medical exam
February 13, 2024 - 2:47 PM - US
President Joe Biden's upcoming physical examination
will not include a cognitive test, the White House
has confirmed, despite concerns about his mental
acuity dominating headlines. On Friday, President
Biden held a chaotic press conference where he tried
to counter a special prosecutor's damning
descriptions of his mental capacity.
Despite concerns highlighted by the
ensuing reports and polls regarding his memory and
age, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
defended her boss. A reporter asked if the White
House views the president taking a cognitive test
during their physical examination as a "legitimate
"I'm just gonna say what Dr.
O'Connor said to me about a year ago when [Biden's
physical] was released," Jean-Pierre told reporters
on Monday, local time. "The president proves every
day [in] how he operates and how he thinks, by
dealing with world leaders, by making difficult
decisions on behalf of the American people – whether
it's domestic or it's national security."
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