President Joe Biden Hits The Lowest Poll Numbers In
U.S. History
July 6. 2022

Joe Biden has
The American people have figured out
they've been bamboozled. U.S. President Joe Biden
has registered the lowest poll numbers in the
history of the United States of America. Biden has
hit record lows with all the major polling services
in America (Quinnipiac, Harvard, Hart/POS, Ipsos/Reuters
and CBS News/YouGov).
Quinnipiac poll stated Biden's
approval rating is 35%, and Monmouth states it is
31%, which is terrible. According to a Monmouth
University national poll, an overwhelming 90%
of Americans state the country is going in the wrong
direction under Biden.
Biden has torched the country in
under a year-and-a-half. No President has performed
this poorly before. Biden is setting all sorts of
negative records. Biden has brought misery and
suffering to America, and from the luxury and
comfort of the White house, has the gall to tell the
public to tough it out under his crazy "new world
order" and "new liberal order."
Poll: Biden's Job Approval Rating Lowest Yet
Thursday, 30 June 2022 03:41 PM EDT
- President Joe Biden's approval rating dropped to
31% in a new CIVIQS rolling job approval survey, the
poll's lowest point reflecting Biden's time in
office. For the overall survey, 57% of American
respondents disapprove of Biden's work over the
first 17 months. Among independents, Biden garnered
the approval of only 20%...
Joe Biden: Job Approval
Registered Voters: January 20, 2021 — July 4,
2022 - 221,342 Responses
Economic issues dominate as top issue for
voters, new poll shows
Democrats and Republicans are tied when adults
are asked which party should control Congress after
the 2022 midterms.
July 5, 2022, 2:59 PM EDT -A
majority of American adults say economic issues are
the biggest concern facing their family right now,
according to a new Monmouth University poll, which
also found that few believe the country is on the
right track...
Poll of the Day: A New Low for All Three
Branches of Government
Tue, July 5, 2022 at 7:38 PM - The
presidency saw the most precipitous drop, 15
percentage points, which Gallup says matches the
15-point plunge in President Joe Biden’s approval
rating since June 2021. Just 23% of those surveyed
say they have “a great deal” or “quite a lot” of
confidence in the presidency...
Tuesday, July 5, 2022 - Majority say
federal government actions are hurting them. West
Long Branch, NJ – The number of Americans who are
financially struggling has increased by double
digits in the past year as inflation and gas prices
top the list of problems faced by the nation’s
The Monmouth (“Monmouth”) University Poll
finds a majority say the federal government’s
actions are hurting them and that President Joe Biden’s policies are not
benefiting the middle
class. Preference for party control of Congress
remains divided, with no real movement since the
More than 4 in 10 Americans (42%)
say they are struggling to remain where they are
financially. This is the first time since Monmouth
started asking the question five years ago that the
number topped 3 in 10 – the range in prior polls was
20% to 29%. Just under half (47%) say their current
financial situation is basically stable and only 9%
say it is improving. The high point for improving
was 25% in April 2019.
The number of people who say they
are struggling has increased by 18 points since last
year (from 24% to 42%), with that increase being
fairly across the board when examining key
demographic groups, including income, race, and
partisanship (* see note). Currently, reports of
struggling financially come from 58% of those
earning under $50,000 (up 18 points from June 2021),
35% of those earning $50,000-$100,000 (up 15
points), and 28% of those earning over $100,000 (up
18 points).
Nearly half of the public names
either inflation (33%) or gas prices (15%) as the
biggest concern facing their family right now. The
economy in general (9%) and paying everyday bills
(6%) are among other financial concerns mentioned.
Abortion, which has registered less than 1% on this
question in prior Monmouth polls going back to 2015,
is currently named by 5% – predominantly among
Democrats (9%).
Inflation and gas prices are the top
two family concerns across a wide variety of
demographic groups, including income, race, and
partisan identity. Inflation as a top concern
emerged in Monmouth’s July 2021 poll at 5% and then
grew to 14% in December, before more than doubling
in the current poll...
U.S. President Joe Biden Hits Record
Low Approval Rating Again And Is Angry It Is Lower Than Predecessor
Donald Trump's Numbers
Gas Hitting A
Record $7.50 Per Gallon In America Is Another Indicator President Joe
Biden Has Failed In His Handling Of The Economy
Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And
Debunked On '60 Minutes'
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