President Joe Biden's Family
Has Been Getting Rich Off Ties To The White House
January 21. 2022

Joe Biden
As previously stated on the site, in
2020 news broke of a criminal investigation into
President Joe Biden's brother, James, and his, son
Hunter Biden for their unlawful financial dealists (President Elect-Joe Biden's Son
Hunter Biden And Brother James Biden Are Under Criminal Investigation
For Financial Fraud).
Now that Biden is president, don't
expect anything to come of these investigations into
his family's corruption and lawlessness. No one in
that family has ever been held accountable for their
crimes (but God doesn't sleep and they won't escape
His justice).
The Biden family has become quite
wealthy from unethically exploiting government ties.
In fact, the family has a number of offshore
accounts of money acquired through less than
honorable means. The Bidens were not born into
After Joe became Vice President all
of a sudden the family had hundreds of millions of
dollars from exploiting said government ties, which
is unethical and corrupt. It's clear that with the
Bidens it's not about public service. It's about
serving themselves and their bank accounts. That
type of money will do you no good in life.
Joe Biden Makes Excuses For The
Crimes Of His Son Hunter Biden (Videos)
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