President Joe Biden's Son
Hunter Biden Is Demanding An Investigation Into
Republicans For Seizing His Crime Filled Laptop
While Inadvertently Admitting It Is His Computer
File This One Under Dumb Criminals
February 2. 2023

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden, the crack cocaine
smoking son of U.S. President, Joe Biden, has
foolishly admitted the infamous laptop in the FBI's
possession, which contains illegal activities,
belongs to him. Hunter's lawyers also admitted it
this week. In trying to get Republicans in trouble
for obtaining his laptop, Hunter has just brought
down a world of trouble on himself and his dad.
The New York Post reported, "First
son Hunter Biden’s lawyers admitted late Wednesday
that the infamous laptop that the now-52-year-old
abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in the
throes of his crack cocaine addiction does indeed
belong to him. The revelation came in a petulant
letter from Hunter’s lawyers seeking a criminal
probe into what they called attempts to 'weaponize'
its contents. In the 14-page letter to Delaware
Attorney General Kathy Jennings, Biden’s attorney
Abbe Lowell claimed that repair shop owner John Paul
Mac Isaac 'unlawfully' accessed Hunter’s laptop data
and worked with former President Donald Trump’s
personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani to 'weaponize' sordid
and incriminating contents on it against Joe Biden."
The contents of the laptop, which
were leaked online, are pretty sick, as it contains
child porn, sex trafficking and huge quantities of
illegal narcotics in acts of drug trafficking (President Joe Biden And Son Hunter
Biden The Subject Of A 4Chan Hack Of His Laptop Exposing Items Alleging
They Are Pedophiles and
Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's
Son Hunter Biden Being Investigated By The Child Porn Squad At The FBI).
Even the Secret Service's July 2022
acknowledgement about the computer was more proof
the story about Hunter's laptop is true (The U.S. Secret Service Acknowledges
Authenticity Of Hack On The Phone And Laptop Of President Joe Biden's
Son Hunter Biden Which Exposed The First Family's Pedophilia, Drug Use
And Political Bribery).
Former New York Mayor, Rudy
Giuliani, obtained the laptop after Hunter forgot to
pick it back up from a computer repair shop (FBI Raid On Rudy Giuliani Is
Politically Motivated In Cover Up Of Hunter Biden Pedophilia And Bribery
Case Relating To His Laptop The Former Mayor Acquired).
Hunter signed an agreement with the
store that if he did not return for the laptop
within 90-days he would forfeit ownership. Such
rules are in place at some stores to prevent people
from leaving their laptops for an extended amount of
time, which would have the unit(s) taking up needed
storage space in shops.

Barack Obama
and Joe Biden
Previously, U.S. Congressman, Adam
Schiff, referred to the mysterious laptop as Russian
disinformation aimed at discrediting
then-presidential candidate, Joe Biden. In 2020,
Schiff stated on CNN, "We know that this whole smear
on Joe Biden comes from the Kremlin. That's been
clear for well over a year now that they've been
pushing this false narrative about this vice
president and his son."
Now, Hunter has admitted the laptop
is real and belongs to him. Therefore, it was not
"Russian disinformation" as Democrat congressman
Adam Schiff had stated. Much like your Russian
collusion case fell a apart (Robert
Mueller’s Russian Collusion Case Collapses As He Is Forced To Concede
There Was None).
Once again the
Biden/Obama Administration's public habit of
using deflection via calling everyone a conspiracy
theorist or crazy for bringing out the truth about
their misconduct, has come back to haunt them.
Side Bar: there is a
pattern of pedophilia in that family and it is very
alarming (Allegations President Joe Biden
Molested His Daughter Amy Biden During Baths Surface After FBI Raid On
Project Veritas).
Yea, that whole family and their
minder need to be booted out of the White House via
the 25th Amendment. They are an embarrassment,
danger to national security, and an economic
disaster for America.
Hunter has involvement with crime
figures in Russia connected to the Russian
government (President Joe Biden's Son Hunter
Biden Caught With A Young Prostitute And Complains Russian Drug Dealers
Have Another Of His Laptops They Are Using For Blackmail), and
carelessly leaves his laptop at a computer shop.
Meanwhile, dementia plagued Joe
leaves classified files unsecured in any old place
he feels like in violation of the law (More Classified Documents Found
Illegally Stored In The Possession Of President Joe Biden After FBI
Search Of His Home and
Joe Biden Hypocrisy Exposed As He Is
Placed Under Criminal Investigation For The Same Thing He Accused Former
President Donald Trump Of Doing In Mishandling Classified Documents).
Side Bar #2: What's
also scary is the administration is covering up the
fact Hunter's had access to classified/top secret
documents, even some bearing the highest level of
classification. A crack cocaine addict, who likes to
confide in prostitutes, is a recipe for disaster (President Joe Biden's Son Hunter
Biden Caught With A Young Prostitute And Complains Russian Drug Dealers
Have Another Of His Laptops They Are Using For Blackmail).
Hunter Biden finally admits infamous laptop is
his as he pleads for criminal probe
February 1, 2023 7:49pm Updated - So
much for “the laptop ‘could be’ mine.” First son
Hunter Biden’s lawyers admitted late Wednesday that
the infamous laptop that the now-52-year-old
abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in the
throes of his crack cocaine addiction does indeed
belong to him.
The revelation came in a petulant
letter from Hunter’s lawyers seeking a criminal
probe into what they called attempts to “weaponize”
its contents. In the 14-page letter to Delaware
Attorney General Kathy Jennings, Biden’s attorney
Abbe Lowell claimed that repair shop owner John Paul
Mac Isaac “unlawfully” accessed Hunter’s laptop data
and worked with former President Donald Trump’s
personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani to “weaponize” sordid
and incriminating contents on it against Joe Biden.
“This failed dirty political trick
directly resulted in the exposure, exploitation, and
manipulation of Mr. Biden’s private and personal
information,” Lowell wrote. “Mr. Mac Isaac’s
intentional, reckless, and unlawful conduct allowed
for hundreds of gigabytes of Mr. Biden’s personal
data, without any discretion, to be circulated
around the Internet.”
Mac Isaac took possession of the
laptop and hard drive late in 2019 after trying and
failing for months to notify Hunter that the device
was ready to be picked up. Once the shop owner saw
the laptop’s contents — including emails detailing
influence-peddling involving then-Vice President Joe
Biden and videos of the younger Biden smoking crack
and having sex with prostitutes and his work
subordinates — he alerted the FBI.
Hunter Biden’s lawyers admitted the
laptop filled with scandals belongs to the
president’s son. The feds picked up the laptop in
December 2019, but not before Mac Isaac made a copy
and gave it to Giuliani’s personal lawyer, Robert
Costello. Giuliani provided The Post with a copy of
the hard drive in October 2020...
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Joe Biden And Son Hunter Biden’s
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From Laptop
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