President Joe
Biden's Approval Ratings In The Toilet
November 26. 2021

Joe Biden
President Joe Biden has only been
president for 10-months and already his approval
ratings are in the toilet. Reports this week stated
Biden's approval ratings are down in many U.S.
states. Most presidents enjoy a high approval rating
during their first year in office. Therefore, this
is a very rare development indicating just how bad
of a president Biden has been.
When Biden entered office his
approval rating was 53% but now it is down to 38%.
In some places Biden's approval ratings are down to
a single digit. This spells massive trouble for
Biden's presidency. To be in this much disfavor
during the first year in office looks bad.
Biden has managed the coronavirus
pandemic in a terrible manner. He has dispensed
horrible scientific advice though he is not a
scientist, and all of it proved to be completely
wrong (Joe Biden Slammed In The Press For
Declaring Victory Over Coronavirus Too Soon Leading To More Cases And
Deaths In A Fourth Wave Of The Virus (Video)).
Biden has also managed the U.S.
economy very poorly. Inflation has hit a record
31-year high under Biden, which has infuriated
voters, as food, gas and retail prices have sharply
risen in America (Prices
In America Reach 30-Year High Under President Joe
Biden's Damaging Inflation).
You cannot blame supermarkets, gas
stations and retail stores for the price increases,
as there are supply chain problems Biden has not
fixed. He thought the presidency was going to be a
cakewalk, but he was not the man for the job. I
stated this fact before he even assumed office (Joe Biden Tax Plan Slammed And
Debunked On '60 Minutes'). He does not know what he is doing. He
does not have the answers. America is in for a
terrible ride. America is going to hit unprecedented
lows under Biden.
Biden approval hits single digit: Nantucket
man reportedly gives POTUS the finger
November 25, 2021 1:44pm Updated -
President Biden’s approval ratings have been
epically low, but on a Thanksgiving Day stop at a
New England Coast Guard station they suddenly
reached the single digits. A Nantucket man presented
Biden’s motorcade with the middle finger Thursday as
the unpopular commander in chief made the holiday
stop during his stay at a billionaire’s island
Biden’s approval ratings are in
collapse amid the highest inflation in 31 years,
which has driven up the costs of everything from
turkey dinners to gas, and he’s increasingly been
greeted with vulgar gestures and chants even when
visiting deep-blue states.
White House pool reporter Zolan
Kanno-Youngs of the New York Times wrote that there
was a generally friendly welcome when Biden’s
motorcade made the visit but that reporters “did
spot one gentleman standing on his porch giving the
middle finger to the presidential motorcade as we
neared the coast guard station.”...