President Joe Biden's
Administration Has Killed The American Dream
September 5. 2024

Joe Biden
The Biden administration has killed the American dream
for millions of people. The "American dream" is owning a home. However,
homeownership in America is the most elusive it has ever been in modern
times. The average American cannot afford to buy a home, as Biden's
record inflation has placed it so far out of reach.

Joe Biden
America has become a nation of renters (President Joe Biden Has Turned
America Into A Nation Of Renters And Is Destroying Generational Wealth).
It has caused many to lose confidence in the government. The public has
never been so pessimistic about the economy.

Joe Biden
The Biden administration has consistently given the
public false hope. This is due the fact they need to save face cause
they do not know what they are doing. They have failed to fix the
economy over the past 3 and 1/2 years because they do not know how to do
so. All they've done is brought poverty (via inflation) and
international trouble on America via proxy wars.
The American Dream Feels Out of Reach for Most
Aug. 28, 2024 at 5:30 am ET - Americans overwhelmingly desire
all the traditional trappings of the American
dream—owning a home, having a family, and looking
forward to a comfortable retirement. But very few
believe they can easily achieve it. A July Wall
Street Journal/NORC poll of 1,502 U.S. adults shows
a stark gap between people’s wishes and their
expectations. The trend was consistent across gender
and party lines, but held more true for younger
generations, who have been priced out of
homeownership and saddled with high interest rates
and student debt.
While 89% of respondents said owning a home is either
essential or important to their vision of the future, only 10% said
homeownership is easy or somewhat easy to achieve. Financial security
and a comfortable retirement were similarly labeled as essential or
important by 96% and 95% of people, respectively, but rated as easy or
somewhat easy to pull off by only 9% and 8%...