President Joe Biden's Bad Economic Policies Has Caused
Record Restaurant Closures And
The NASDAQ To Fall To Its Lowest Point
August 7. 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris trying to stop President Joe Biden from
wandering off stage and falling for the umpteenth time
As the U.S. economy continues to sink to new lows,
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have been silent in
denying all responsibility for what has occurred. Biden and Harris are
dodging reporters who seek to question them on America hemorrhaging jobs
and the stock market taking a historic plunge this week. The NASDAQ hit
a record low on Monday thanks to the Biden administration's terrible
financial policies.
The restaurant industry under Biden has also taken a
hit. Restaurants such as McDonalds, Starbucks, Red Lobster and Buca di
Beppo, among many others, are closing a record number of locations,
which means enormous job losses. Due to President Biden's record
inflation, Americans can't afford to eat out at restaurants as before.
Many Americans have given up eating at restaurants as they simply can't
afford it. Biden is destroying American prosperity. He is destroying the
American way of life
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