Polls Reveal Most Americans Don't Believe Joe
Biden Won The 2020 Presidential Election
69% Of Republicans And 33% Of Democrats Don't
Believe Joe Biden Won The 2020 Presidential Election
February 5. 2024

Joe Biden
Recent published reports reveal most
Americans do not believe Joe Biden won the 2020
presidential election against former President
Donald Trump. This is an embarrassing denouncement
of the lies Biden and company have told for the past
3-years. As the phrase goes, "You can fool some of
the people some of the time, but you can't fool all
of the people all of the time."
What makes matters worse, adding
insult to injury is Biden has proven himself to be
the most incompetent, failure prone president in
U.S. history. Real harm has been done and it is
ongoing. Biden has dementia. He is at a stage where
his mind is gone.
There are
other people in the White House doing the work,
namely former President Barack Obama and Vice
President Kamala Harris (Former President Barack Obama Never
Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time). White House staffers have seen Biden
staring at computer and telephone screens, then stating "I
don't understand
this" on a regular basis, shaking his head and
trailing off or walking away. White House staffers
have seen Biden "sundowning" due to dementia and not
knowing who he is, where he is or why he is there.
Almost two-thirds of Iowa caucusgoers say
Biden 2020 win was not legitimate: Entrance polls
by Sarah Fortinsky - 01/16/24 9:23
AM ET - Nearly two-thirds of Iowa Republicans say
President Biden’s victory in the 2020 election was
not legitimate, according to Monday’s entrance polls
ahead of the state’s caucuses. Around 66 percent of Iowa
caucusgoers say they believe Biden’s win in the last
election was illegitimate, while 29 percent say it
was legitimate, according to the polls...
One-third of adults in new poll say Biden’s
election was illegitimate
01/02/24 8:54 AM ET - About
one-third of U.S. adults say they believe President
Biden was not legitimately elected president of the
United States in 2020, according a poll released
this week. As of last month, 62 percent of U.S.
adults say they believe Biden was legitimately
elected, down from 69 percent overall in the 2021
poll. The biggest drop in those who said the 2020
election results were legitimate came from
Republicans — 31 percent in 2023, down from 39
percent two years earlier...
Report States Half Of All
American Banks Are Potentially Insolvent Under President Joe Biden And
Treasury Secretary Says America Will Run Out Of Cash On June 1, 2023 If
Debt Ceiling Not Raised
Evidence Surfaces Barack Obama Was Born In Kenya Not
Hawaii And In A Letter To His Ex-Girlfriend He
States Everyday He Dreams About Making Love To Men
Outlets Refer To President-Elect Joe Biden As Barack
Obama's Third Term In Office Much To His Annoyance
But Confirming Previous Site Claims
The American Banking System's
Ratings Downgraded To Negative Due To Bank Failures Under President Joe
Biden's Terrible Leadership And Poor Political Policies
Tucker Carlson Does Interview With
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Under President Joe Biden And Banks Collapsing Is A Small Fraction Of
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Truly Left Office And Has Been In The Background The Entire Time
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