Politician Andrew Gillum Checks Into
Rehab After Police Discovered Him Inebriated In Hotel
Room With Male Prostitute Overdosing On Crystal Meth
March 16. 2020

Andrew Gillum
Married politician Andrew Gillum has
stated he is checking into rehab for alcoholism, after
police were called to a hotel suite on South Beach in
Miami, in response to a man overdosing on the dangerous
narcotic crystal meth (Former Florida
Politician Andrew Gillum Found Inebriated In Hotel Room With Man
Overdosing On Crystal Meth (Video)).
Father of three, Gillum, aged 40, was
found on the floor, half naked and completely
inebriated, while gay, male escort and porn star, Travis
Dyson, 30, was overdosing on the bed due to consuming
crystal meth. They were discovered in this state by Aldo
Mejias, whose credit card was used to rent the room.

Andrew Gillum and wife R. Jai Gillum
Gillum, a Democrat who ran for the post
of governor of the State of Florida, but lost to
Republican rival, Ron DeSantis, has been trying to
salvage his career in the face of the scandal. However,
being caught with a gay, male prostitute who was
overdosing on illegal drugs has effectively destroyed
his political career. Prostitution is illegal, as is
crystal meth use.
Gillum publicly stated he was in town
for a wedding and Dyson is a friend who was in trouble.
However, Dyson stated Gillum never stated that. Police
reports and Mejias contradict the story Gillum is trying
to spin regarding this troubling matter.

Travis Dyson
I feel sad for Gillum's wife of
10-years, R. Jai Gillum, and their three young children,
as this scandal is all over the internet. She needs to
be medically tested in the face of the fact her husband
was caught shirtless and inebriated in a hotel room with
a high naked prostitute, who based on items posted
online, has a massive number of sex partners. It was not
fair or right for Gillum to imperil his wife's health.
Some call women homophobic for not
wanting to date bisexual/gay men. However, here the
public sees Gillum, a bisexual man, hiding his lifestyle
from his family and the public, while secretly engaging
in risky conduct to get gay sex. Drunk and or high
people having sex will not be careful regarding their
sexual health and can pass on unpleasant and deadly
diseases to others. The more sex partners a person has,
such as in the case of prostitutes, the greater the
chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.
Former Florida
Politician Andrew Gillum Found Inebriated In Hotel Room With Man
Overdosing On Crystal Meth (Video)