People Are Telling Evelyn Lozada To
Challenge Prenup She Signed With Chad Ochocinco Johnson
September 17. 2012

Evelyn Lozada and Chad Johnson (Photo Credit: Mavrix)
Now that reality star Evelyn Lozada has filed for divorce from
sports star, Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson, over a domestic violence incident, people
are telling her to challenge the prenup she signed with the former NFL player.
She is being told to take all she can get, as multi-millionaire Johnson is
seeing his financial prospects dry up, due to having head-butt Lozada during a
heated argument.

Chad Johnson
Lozada's financial prospects have changed as well, as some blame
her for the incident, while others that blame him see the couple as tarnished
and want no part of either of them. A good lawyer could successfully challenge
the prenup and take Johnson to the cleaners, as the phrase goes, because the
domestic violence incident has added a new component to the divorce.
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