Pentagon Has Weak Computer Security
December 3. 2010
Barack Obama
In spite of the fact, the U.S. Pentagon has lashed out at Wikileaks and
its founder, Julian Assange, for posting classified documents online,
revealing corruption, Washington is to blame for the diplomatic disaster that has ensued. The
Pentagon made the classified documents available to 3,000,000 government personnel.
With the sheer level of criminality and unethical government
wrongdoing present in the leaked documents, why are they surprised someone
with access, developed
a conscience and decided to expose the atrocities and illegalities found
therein, by forwarding it to Wikileaks.
Furthermore, why all the hypocrisy. The State Department,
CIA, FBI and NSA, routinely hack into the computers of innocent Americans and
international citizens, in criminal violation of the law, then illegally disseminates
the contents to whomever they feel like. You reap what you sow.
The Obama Administration, with Clinton leading the charge,
is attempting to shut down Wikileaks out of self-interest and
self-incrimination, not
national security. Corrupt government officials not wanting their crimes to
be made public. Furthermore, there is no proof the leaks resulted in any deaths.