"Off Label Use"
November 21. 2009
Recently, I stumbled on a website with over 700 complaints submitted
about the drug Topamax also known as Topiramate in its generic form (click
here). It is one of many sites with such complaints from the
public. Topamax is a migraine medicine its manufacturer marketed for what is
known as "off label" use, which is prohibited under U.S. law.
Currently, another troublesome drug with bad side effects, in the same
class as Topamax, named Neurontin (Gabapentin), has been sued by the
government for breaking the law, in pushing their product for "off label"
use to maximize profits.
"Off label" use means a pharmaceutical drug that is created to target one
medical issue/affliction/disease, being promoted and prescribed for other
medical problems/diseases.
Topamax is an anti-convulsant, used to treat migraine headaches. However,
to make a fortune in sales, its manufacturer started a big promotional push
to foist it on the public as a mood stabilizer, pain reliever (nerve pain),
weight loss drug and epilepsy/seizure anti-convulsant.
People have flooded numerous websites complaining about Topamax and how
it horribly impacted their lives. People reported a terrible combination of
side effects such as deep depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, shaking,
bone depletion leading to bone breakage, hair loss, kidney stones, memory
loss, changes in bowel movement, blurred vision, vision loss, glaucoma,
anorexia, inability to find words on a page, slurred speech, speech loss,
psychosis, dizziness, uncomfortable and sometimes painful tingling in the
hands and feet, insomnia and extreme fatigue. ALL THAT TO STOP A HEADACHE!
Topamax is a terrible drug that has ruined many lives. Many people that
were on it, even for a short period of time, experienced terrible side
effects. Some people lost their marriages, friendships and jobs, as they
could not function anymore, due to what the drug did to them. Some were even
admitted to psychiatric wards, as the drug did that much harm to their

Amazingly, once again, to maximize profits, the manufacturers are
marketing Topamax and
as anti-depressants, when it resulted in a number of suicides. That is an
Topamax caused suicides in some, as it so altered the brain chemistry of
some people that took the medication, they became extremely depressed, very
agitated and committed suicide, seeking to escape that unexplainable fog
that enveloped their minds and terrible anxiety that afflicted them while
taking it, leaving them feeling completely hopeless and devoid of basic
Do not take your life.
Things will get better, but you need to be weaned off the pharmaceutical
drug creating the terrible changes.
Topamax has many lawsuits against it in court for the aforementioned
terrible side effects. My question is, after all the thousands of horrible
reports on the drug, why is it and its generic component, Topiramate, still
on the market, damaging the public's health, under the guise of alleviating
(not curing) migraines. Clearly, these side effects are not rare, as way too
many people have them.
Why are doctors still being given financial incentives to write
prescriptions for this terrible drug, with so many serious complaints
against it.
What's even more perplexing is Topamax being prescribed in tandem with
other drugs in its class such as Neurontin (Gabapentin), forming a powerful,
terrible cocktail, wreaking havoc on people's health.
Another issue of concern is, no proper instructions have been issued on
reversing the terrible side effects of these drugs, leaving patients to
suffer, with the only manufacturer warning being, see your physician.
However, some doctors, not all, seeking to dodge culpability in
prescribing them, are not taking responsibility for their patients'
deteriorating physical problems that resemble a neurological disorder,
stemming from the pharmaceutical drugs,
nor are they providing adequate care in addressing the awful side effects,
as that would mean admitting something has gone wrong.
They will make excuses claiming the side effects are very rare or they've
never heard of such a thing, when there are thousands of complaints and
lawsuits concerning the serious damage the aforementioned pharmaceutical
drugs have done to many. Nice way to honor the Hippocratic Oath (not!).