Obama Sworn In Again
January 22. 2009

This is a follow up to the January 20, 2009
article titled Fox: Obama
Was Not Sworn In Due To Error. President Barack Obama has been sworn in
again. It happened on January 21, 2009 at noon in the White
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (A/K/A
“The Supremes”), Jon Roberts, apologized for ruining what was a
historic moment. The real Supremes could have handled that oath
better than he did. Of course, we’d all have to pause for Diana
Ross to toss her weave (smile).

A few online were questioning why Obama
should have to take the oath again, calling constitutional
scholars haters. But that’s not it.
People would file frivolous lawsuits against
Obama stating he wasn’t sworn in correctly, therefore on that
technicality, he is not the president.
Lawsuits would roll in by people who didn’t
want him to win and others who simply wish to irritate him. This
saves money in legal fees and distracting headaches. It’s wise
not to leave that door open and now it has been shut. Case
Obama Sworn In Again, With Right Words
Thursday, January 22, 2009; A04
In golf, they call it a mulligan. A do-over.
There's no formal name for what President
Obama and Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. did last night.
After flubbing his one role on Inauguration
Day -- administering the oath of office to Obama -- Roberts
traveled to the White House to re-administer the oath.
Just to make sure.
"We decided it was so much fun . . .," Obama
joked while sitting on a couch in the Map Room. Obama stood and
walked over to make small talk with pool reporters as Roberts
donned his black robe.
"Are you ready to take the oath?" Roberts
"I am, and we're going to do it very
slowly," Obama replied.
After a flawless recitation that included no
Bible and took 25 seconds, Roberts smiled and said,
"Congratulations, again."
Obama said, "Thank you, sir," and then
added: "All right. The bad news for the [reporters] is there's
12 more balls."…
Henry: Obama's first full day takes turn
for the weird
… White House officials confirmed to me that new White House
Counsel Greg Craig had advised the president to get sworn in a
second time, just to nip the issue in the bud and not let any
controversy linger that perhaps the president had not been sworn
in legitimately. Listen to the successful second attempt »
"And out of an abundance of caution, because
there was one word out of sequence, Chief Justice Roberts
administered the oath a second time," Craig said in a prepared