North Korean Leader
Kim Jong-Un Suffered Brain Damage Due To Cardiac
SurgeryApril 21. 2020

Kim Jong-un
Reports from CNN and the Associated Press indicate
North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, has suffered brain damage due to
an April 12, 2020 cardiovascular surgery gone wrong. The heart
surgery was due to 36-year-old Jong-un's, "Excessive smoking,
obesity, and overwork." Some reports even state he is brain dead. He
was last publicly seen a week ago, prior to surgery, but recently
missed his grandfather's birthday celebration.
I am not a fan of Kim Jong-un. He-un is a murderous
dictator. He killed some of his family members in a brutal way to
become the leader of North Korea. Jong-un had his uncle Jang Song-thaek
viciously murdered for daring to speak to the Chinese government,
regarding bringing stability and calm to North Korea. Jong-un had
his brother Kim Jong-nam poisoned in a Malaysian airport, as Jong-un
feared he would become leader of North Korea.
Kim Jong-un has also executed many innocent North
Koreans in acts that constitute human rights abuses. He lives in
absolute luxury and spends $1,000,000 per year on his personal food
and its procurement, via private jets dispatched all over the world.
However, many North Koreans live in abject poverty. People regularly
starve to death in North Korea.
As stated previously on the site, Jong-un's reckless
behavior has damaged the global environment (North Korea Suffers Earthquake After Kim Jong-un Missile As
Previously Predicted By The Site). After each of
his missile tests, some adverse weather event occurred (such as
earthquakes in his nation and others, as well as Hurricane Maria in
Puerto Rico).
Jong-un is also responsible for the death of
22-year-old tourist, Otto Wambier, who sustained brain damage and
suffered brain death under questionable circumstances in a North
Korean prison (Otto Warmbier Was
Murdered). Now Jong-un has sustained brain damage
as well. How ironic and just.
North Korea Suffers Earthquake After Kim Jong-un Missile As
Previously Predicted By The Site
Otto Warmbier Was
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