Nick Gordon
Punched Two Employees Of The Dr. Phil Show
March 9. 2015
Nick Gordon, the boyfriend of comatose aspiring singer, Bobbi
Kristina Brown, is under criminal investigation for foul play in
connection with her overdose and drowning. Brown is the daughter
of the late singer, Whitney Houston and R&B singer, Bobby Brown.

Nick Gordon, his mother
Michelle and Dr. Phil
Gordon, desperate for money and a venue to spin his story,
agreed to appear on the Dr. Phil Show to tell his side of the
story. His mother Michelle requested an intervention from Dr.
Phil, for a son she threw out of the house in his mid-teens due
to dangerous behavior he was engaging in.

Nick Gordon and Bobbi Kristina
When Gordon discovered his mother wanted an intervention, he
punched two employees of the Dr. Phil Show. However, he later
reluctantly went to rehab. As stated on the site for years,
Gordon is an alcoholic and drug addict, who procured drugs for
Houston and Brown.
Atlanta Police Confirm Criminal Investigation Into The Overdose And
Drowning Of Whitney Houston's Daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown
Bobbi Kristina Brown On Life Support Due To Overdose Confirming
Previous Site Statements From 2012
If Nick Gordon Marries Bobbi Kristina Brown And
Something Happens To Her Will He Get Everything
Whitney Houston Is The Latest Hollywood Star To Die
Under Tragic Circumstances
Whitney Houston On The Brink