NFL Football Player Hassan Haskins
Arrested For Beating His Girlfriend Over Liking Another Man's
Photo On Instagram Highlights The Dangers Social
Networking Can Pose
September 14. 2023

Hassan Haskins and Makiah Green's mug shots
Tennessee Titans runningback Hassan
Haskins beat up girlfriend, Makiah Green. She
fought him back and they were both arrested. Haskins has
been placed on the non-active list due to the
domestic violence incident, which means his
career is in jeopardy.
Haskins flew into a rage when Green liked another
man's photo on Instagram. He began choking her on
a bed for at least10 seconds. She got up off the bed
and they began slapping each other. Green fell on
her dog's crate and then Haskins began strangling
her again.
Days later the couple went to dinner
and Haskins left her at the restaurant. She took a
ride share vehicle home. When she arrived at his
home, Green smashed a glass, then went into a bedroom
and closed the door. Haskins broke the door down
with his fists and hands. Green yanked Haskins
$5,000 chain from his neck, which broke it.
They fought over Green's phone,
which Haskins then broke. Green then grabbed Haskins
phone and found photos of naked women on it. She
threw his phone then slapped him on his chest. As
she went for a kitchen knife to slash his car tires,
Haskins pulled a gun on her and, "I hope you would." Haskins also accused her
of hitting him with a broom and breaking his video
game system.
Haskins is also in the wrong for
having a SnapChat account with naked women's
pictures that were sent to him by them, indicating he is cheating on his
girlfriend. That is extremely disrespectful. What if
she had a SnapChat account full of photos of
naked men that were submitted to her on the site. He would have been livid. He can't blame
her for being upset.
For years on this site I have
written articles stating people need to watch what
the post on social networking, as it can come back
to haunt them or ruin their life. Haskins is the
aggressor for attacking Green over liking another
man's photo. That was a massive overreaction and one
that is going to cost him money and his reputation.
At the same time one has to realize
if you are dating someone or married, and following
sexually provocative people on social networking or liking
certain types of non-platonic looking photos of
them, it is
disrespectful to the person you are with, as you're embarrassing them to the world.
What you post, whom
you follow and the likes you give can also repel
people who might actually want to date you. Some of you men just don't realize
that there are beautiful famous and non-famous women
with great careers who wanted to date you, but saw
you acting like a dog in heat on social networking
and decided against it. If people don't know you
personally, they will go by what they see you post
on your social networking pages.
Some you are not being smart on
social networking and ruining your lives and careers
in the process. You're on there communicating with
people you should not be engaging with. and
receiving and or exchanging all sorts of items that
could cause you damage in the future (financial and
career loss, and public embarrassment). Again,
that's not being smart.
Some of you are famous and will lose
millions and your careers over the things you are
getting up to on social networking. Some of you will
even see law enforcement use your social networking
against you in court proceedings, including what you
write and or receive in private messages.
As athletes you are supposed to be
training. Instead you are chasing trashy women on
social networking for sex, while your careers are
stuck in mediocrity and in some cases tethering on
the brink of failure. That's not how you become a
legend. That's how you lose your contracts. That's how you get used by trashy women for
your money and fame, then lose your career for
spending most of your free time chasing whores who don't love you, rather than working on improving
your career.
Then when your fame and career are gone the gold
diggers on social networking will be too, looking to
chase after the next big thing. If you
spent more time on your career than trashy women at least that would
have ong term benefits and earn income.
Titans' Hassan Haskins placed on Commissioner
Exempt List
August 29, 2023 4:48 pm ET - After
originally being placed on injured reserve, ending
his 2023 season before it began, Tennessee Titans
running back Hassan Haskins has been moved to the
Commissioner Exempt List by the league. While on the
list, Haskins cannot practice or attend games with
the team. The 2022 fourth-round pick was arrested
back in June after a domestic dispute with his
then-girlfriend, which resulted in charges for