New York Criminal Conviction Against Disgraced Hollywood Rapist
Harvey Weinstein Thrown Out Prompting Cries Online Of Corruption (Video)
April 29. 2024
In the April 11, 2024 article "Corrupt
Judge Denise Cote Refers Lil Rod Lawyer And Lawsuit Against Criminal
Diddy To Grievance Committee In A Bid At Protecting Lawbreaking
Executives, Celebrities, Athletes And Select Politician"
I stated "one of the things Hollywood has shown the public is their vile
ability to corrupt court cases."
In the aforementioned article on April 11, 2024, I also stated, "I have found the
U.S. legal system to be the most corrupt and
dangerous in the world (it is literally costing
people their lives). Hollywood has humiliated,
disgraced and embarrassed the U.S. legal system to
the nation and the world in ways that will only get
worse. There exists a horrific wall of corruption in
the U.S. legal system and it will contribute to
destroying America, as they are protecting high
profile criminals and politicians who are engaging
in greedy conduct not in America or the world's best
interest (especially as it related to the climate
I further stated in the article, "Another attorney stated of Hollywood
"it is a cabal" and they bribe people on a regular basis
to get away with terrible crimes. Some attorneys
don't even want to touch cases concerning Hollywood
due to the bribery by Jewish owners at the studios,
their connection to the Italian-American mafia whom
they use to assault and kill people (Sam Cooke and Michael Jackson, among
many others) and their ties to the
FBI, who protect them in criminal behavior on a
regular basis."
They wouldn't even prove me wrong. A mere 2-weeks later and the
corruption I wrote about again on April 11, 2024 resurfaced. Social
networking was furious last week as the announcement came of the
criminal conviction against incarcerated Hollywood rapist, Harvey
Weinstein, being thrown out on strange technicalities.
Social media was flooded with complaints of corruption in the justice
system for such a thing to have occurred in the courts last week. An
appeals court in New York ruled 4-3 that too much evidence and witness
testimony was admitted against Weinstein. Have you ever heard of such a
thing. Weinstein is a prolific rapist who has raped hundreds of women
that did not want him. There's a lot of evidence because he committed a
lot of crimes. Duh!

Sex traffickers and pedophiles Harvey
Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
arrogantly posing at Buckingham Palace due to
blackmailing Prince Andrew. All
three were involved in Hollywood movie projects (Flight Logs Reveal Pedophile Madonna
Was Visiting Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island' Where Sex Orgies With
Minors Occurred And She Is In His Address Book).
Weinstein forced many women into sex or they would face the prospect of
him destroying their careers, sending them into poverty. There are audio
recordings of Weinstein sexually assaulting Italian model,
Ambra Battilana Gutierrez.
There are audio recordings of Weinstein sexually assaulting
Melissa Thompson, whom he went on
to rape. The harrowing and heartbreaking account of how Weinstein
perversely raped actress,
Annabella Sciorra,
is infuriating. This man is not innocent by any means. He deserves to
spend the rest of his life behind bars.
There is so much evidence of Weinstein committing serious crimes. Yet
all you will get out of him is that he is being prosecuted in acts of
anti-Semitism, which is rubbish. Weinstein is a criminal. He should do
his full time behind bars in New York and if time permits, California as
well, where he was also convicted.
Hollywood and the FBI, who are supporting their crimes, are constantly
bringing shame on the U.S. legal system to the watching nation and
world. I could post on this site what officials in major world
governments are stating about you for this disgraceful behavior, but you
would cry from the shame of it.
I predict there will be serious international charges and global social
consequences for disgracing the legal profession. You lot have brought
the job of judge into disrepute all over the world. Make no mistake, in
the future world governments are going to address your criminal behavior
and you will never live down the shame or disgrace of it. Not to
mention, in the future Congress will indict dozens of you for disgracing
the judiciary. You criminals in Hollywood and the FBI should be very
concerned because my predictions routinely happen (Site Exclusives).
New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance Looked The Other Way To
Harvey Weinstein's Crimes In 2015 Due To Pressure From The FBI
And Obama White House And A Bribe
Harvey Weinstein Disgustingly Raped Defenseless Actress
Annabella Sciorra And Aggressively Pursued Daryl Hannah In A
Predatory Manner Outside Her Hotel Room
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