Nancy Pelosi Caught Engaging In Criminal
Insider Trading AgainJanuary 28. 2021

Nancy Pelosi
In the December 7, 2011 article "Nancy Pelosi Slams
Newt Gingrich" I wrote about the congresswoman's shady financial
dealings, as she has been engaging in illegal insider trading for
many years. I even mentioned it again recently on the site in
November 2020 (Nancy Pelosi And Fellow Democrats
Rage About Poor Election Results On Embarrassing Leaked Call
Nancy Pelosi Playing Hardball With
The President Over Stimulus Checks Costs The Democrats Seats In The 2020
U.S. Elections).
Pelosi has greatly enriched herself and family with
ill-gotten gains, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars, by
using private congressional documents of breaking financial matters,
before they become public. These private congressional reports are
written by U.S. intelligence agencies to assist congress with
lawmaking. However, Pelosi has repeatedly used this intelligence
reports to buy up stock in companies the secret data states will do
well in the market place.
This is known as insider trading and it is a crime
in America. If the average American did what Pelosi has been doing
for many years, they'd be in prison. Yet, she does this with
impunity time and time again. This is known as corruption. She went
into Congress with little and is now sitting on a $125,000,000
This week Pelosi is being slammed by press outlets
for engaging in insider trading again. Pelosi was outed this week
for buying up Tesla stock in December 2020, because she had inside
information that Biden, who assumed office this month, would be
buying 645,000 Tesla electric cars to replace federal vehicles.
Pelosi has made a killing, because after Biden's announcement,
Tesla's stock began to rise.
Pelosi is shameless with the corruption. She just
doesn't care. Pelosi's conduct is disgracing the government and
causing the public to openly question the integrity of Congress, but
she keeps engaging in financial crimes, deeming herself above the
Pelosi is a very busy person. She spends her time
protecting high profile pedophiles, thieves and murderers in
Hollywood, a city in her state of California, where she is a
senator, by telling investigators, members of the U.S. Justice
Department and other lawmakers to do nothing about their crimes
(which I have on very good authority). The rest of her time she
spends grossly enriching herself by engaging in criminal
insider trading.

Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell
Pelosi is the picture of corruption. And she wonders
why the public can't stand her. She needs to think long and hard
about this. Mitch McConnell held up the $2,000 stimulus, which
greatly upset the American people, yet she is the most hated member
of Congress. MAGA hates her. Members of her own party hate her and
wanted her out in favor of Hakim Jeffries (she basically bullied her
way back into the job). Even China slammed her recently, when they
usually don't single out members of Congress, opting to refer to a
head of state.
Nancy Pelosi’s Recent Stock Purchase Raises Important Ethics
Issues For All Of Congress
LAST UPDATED JANUARY 27, 2021, 12:38 PM - Nancy
Pelosi made some stock purchases last month that are raising
eyebrows — and questions — about the ethics of Congresspeople buying
and selling stocks. In December, Rep. Pelosi, the Speaker of the
House, purchased 25 call options of Tesla stocks, along with a few
other stock purchases. Why does this matter? Because under the Biden
administration’s new agenda, with its focus on environmental
protections and combating climate change, Pelosi could benefit
financially from those political plans.
President Joe Biden is currently encouraging the
purchase of electric vehicles, and that could mean lifting the cap
on sales, providing tax credits to buyers, and a potential program
incentivizing people to trade in used vehicles to buy an electric
one. Biden also announced on Monday that he would be replacing the
entire fleet of 645,000 federal vehicles with electric ones. This
could create a conflict of interest, as part of Pelosi’s job will
include working to pass these environmental and clean energy
initiatives — initiatives from which her family now stands to profit