MSNBC News Anchorwoman
Accidentally Uses The N-Word While Speaking About The Helicopter
Crash That Killed Basketball Star Kobe Bryant, His Daughter And
Their Friends (Videos)
January 28. 2020
"MSNBC Alison Morris Los Angeles N Word Kobe
Bryant Tragedy - January 26 2020"
news anchorwoman, Alison Morris, made a massive on-air slip this
past Sunday. She was reporting on the passing of former Los Angeles
Lakers basketball player, Kobe Bryant, 41, and his daughter, Gianna,
13, who died in a helicopter crash, along with 7 of their friends.

Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna Bryant
speaking about the sad tragedy on the air, Morris referred to the Lakers
basketball team as the
Los Angeles "nig*ers" in an astonishing slip. Morris' excuse
is she was thinking of the New York Knicks
basketball team and accidentally merged the two words to say "Nakers."

Alison Morris
There's only one problem for Morris. Most people on social
networking don't believe her explanation, because if you listen to the audio,
she clearly said the word "nig*ers" in what was a Freudian slip.
Many on social
networking are slamming Morris' conduct. She has since apologized on
make matters worse, the BBC network aired a news segment on Bryant's
passing, but used the wrong footage. Instead of using footage of
Bryant playing for the Los Angeles Lakers, they used a clip of NBA
star and current Los Angeles Laker, Lebron James. It played into the
racial stereotype that all black people look alike. The BBC has
become very racist in recent years. Trust me, I know [Madonna's Criminal Conduct At The BBC In Britain Has Nasty
Racist Slavery Connotations To It (Anthony Joshua, Daniel
MSNBC anchor Alison Morris denies using racial slur after
mispronouncing Kobe Bryant's team 'Lakers'
14 hours ago - A TV news anchor covering Kobe
Bryant’s death has come under fire for saying what sounded like a
racial slur as she mispronounced the name of the basketball star's
team. MSNBC presenter Alison Morris was covering the helicopter
crash in the hills of Calabasas, California, which Bryant and his 13
year-old daughter Gianna died in alongside seven others on Sunday.
While paying tribute to the sports star, Ms Morris
appeared to say he was “perfectly cast on the Los Angeles n*****s...
er Lakers.” Viewer took to social media after hearing the anchor’s
slip of the tongue, claiming she had made a racial slur.
“Earlier today, while reporting on the tragic news
of Kobe Bryant’s passing, I unfortunately stuttered on air,
combining the names of the Knicks and the Lakers to say “Nakers”,
she wrote. “Please know I did not & would NEVER use a racist term.
“I apologise for the confusion this caused.”
Some Twitter users were not swayed by her statement
and said she should come clean about her comments. One user said:
"Nah you said the whole thing, own up to it". Another added: "Ma’am
you did not say Nakers."...