More Women Come Forward Alleging TI And Wife
Tiny Sex Trafficked Them And To Other Very Famous Hollywood
March 11. 2021

Tiny and TI
Things are getting worse for rapper TI (Clifford
Harris) and his wife Tiny (Tameka Harris) as more victims come
forward alleging sex trafficking. Some of the victims were underage
when the offenses occurred, which also crossed state lines, which
has greater legal penalties.
The case, which has been referred by a lawyer for
criminal prosecution, is expanding, as more victims are coming
forward and naming not only TI and Tiny, but some of their celebrity
friends. Some of the celebrities involved are very famous and will
lose everything if the truth comes out. However, when people engage
in criminally harmful conduct that hurts others, they must be
brought to justice within the scope of the law.
TI And Tiny Sued For Defamation And
Referred For Criminal Investigation Into Sex Trafficking Underage Girls
And Adult Women