More Vaccinated Than
Unvaccinated People Have Died Of COVID-19 Confirming
Previous Site Claims
January 6. 2023

Reports coming in from around the
world reveal more vaccinated than unvaccinated
people have died of COVID-19. The new report states,
"By April 2022, the United States Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that
about 6 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were
vaccinated or boosted, and that’s remained true
through at least August 2022 (the most recent month
of data)."
Some are stating it is due to the
fact more people have become vaccinated, but
shouldn't that mean there would be far fewer deaths.
Instead we are seeing a dramatic rise in the number
of deaths of vaccinated people.
So many have been injured or ended
up dead due to vaccine injury (Thousands Of Adverse Medical Events Reported After Taking
Coronavirus Vaccines Including Death, Heart Attacks And Strokes Confirming
Previous Site Claims).

Tweet from my Twitter page on July 25, 2020,
months before the vaccines were released, has
proven prophetic (Thousands Of Adverse Medical Events Reported After Taking
Coronavirus Vaccines Including Death, Heart Attacks And Strokes Confirming
Previous Site Claims and
CDC Panics And Opens An Emergency
Investigation Into More Than 800 Teens Developing Serious Heart Problems
Due To Coronavirus Vaccines Confirming Previous Site Claims)
The President had lied to the public
in stating vaccinated people could not contract or
died from coronavirus, which has since proven to be
a lie (A Fully Vaccinated Person In Texas
Dies Of Covid-19 Confirming Previous Site Claims).
Vaccine injury is a problem that is
getting worse (CDC
Panics And Opens An Emergency Investigation Into
More Than 800 Teens Developing Serious Heart
Problems Due To Coronavirus Vaccines Confirming
Previous Site Claims and
Famous Doctor
Blames Coronavirus Vaccine For Accelerating His
Cancer And Presents Proof Of Progression Confirming
Previous Site Claims).

A recent report out of Australia
proved the more COVID-19 shots a person received the
higher their risk of hospitalization. As I have
maintained since prior to the release of the
vaccines, the immune system of many people cannot
take the vaccine without it damaging their bodies or
killing them.
Why Do Vaccinated People Represent Most
COVID-19 Deaths Right Now?
Nov 30, 2022 - The share of COVID-19
deaths among those who are vaccinated has risen. In
fall 2021, about 3 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19
were vaccinated or boosted. But by January 2022, as
we showed in an analysis posted on the Peterson-KFF
Health System Tracker, about 4 in 10 deaths were
vaccinated or boosted. By April 2022, the United
States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) data show that about 6 in 10 adults dying of
COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted, and that’s
remained true through at least August 2022 (the most
recent month of data).
The data from this chart come from
the CDC, which collects data on the number of deaths
by vaccination status from 30 health departments
(including states and cities) across the country. In
order to be counted as vaccinated, a person must be
at least two weeks out from completing their primary
series before testing positive (for example, at
least 14 days after completing two doses of the mRNA
vaccine). Similarly, to be counted as having a
booster, a person must be at least two weeks out
from their booster or additional dose before testing
positive. People who were partially vaccinated are
not included in this data...
A Fully Vaccinated Person In Texas
Dies Of Covid-19 Confirming Previous Site Claims
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