Tells All About Alleged Affair
6 Months After Marriage
Basketball Player Tony Parker Is Being Accused Of Infidelity
December 14.

Alexandra Paressant
A pretty French
Alexandra Paressant, 26
has publicly accused basketball
player Tony Parker, 25, husband of actress Eva Longoria, 32, of
cheating on his wife with her. She said she was at his wedding
and Parker allegedly winked at her and they began sleeping
together not long after. The model made the
sensational claims to photo agency X17. While X17 isn't exactly
a beacon of integrity in journalism, many believe the model's

Alexandra Paressant
Some have written
her off as a fraud (TMZero), because she was
sued in 2006 by her former alleged sex partner, soccer player Ronaldinho,
for telling the Brazilian public they lost the World Cup because
he kept staying up late at night
with her
having sex and playing video games in their hotel room. She
destroyed his image in his country.

Talk about a
terrible press quote. This chick maybe telling the truth, maybe
she's not, but one thing's for sure, she's got a big mouth.
Tony Parker did not
deny the allegations, his wife and publicist did. All he said
was he loves his wife. Then again his first language is French,
and maybe he doesn't know how to say the following in English,
"I did not have sexual relations with that woman." You teach him
how to say it, Bubba (Bill Clinton).

Tony Parker And Eva Longoria
I am not going to
write this could not have possibly happened, as in Hollywood
infidelity is more common than fidelity. But having written
that, I will say she seems a little spacey in those X17 videos
calling Parker a "wonderful lover" then looking vacantly into
space, as though she has the intelligence quota of Jessica

Eva Longoria
vile low blows she listed in detailing his wife's alleged
shortcomings in bed is also quite juvenile. Women who think
there is power in that kid themselves. Just because you allege
you do things his wife won't do, doesn't mean he will leave her
for you.
I've seen many marriages in the
entertainment industry come and go - from reggae to R&B to pop
stars. Men that cheated on singers,
actresses, models
and centerfolds. Men that cheated with
models and centerfolds...and still didn't marry them.
If a man loves you,
he will marry you, regardless of what you will or won't do. If
he doesn't love you, he won't marry you...(well, unless it's a
shotgun wedding).

This case and its
snide remarks remind me of the Rebecca Loos incident regarding
David Beckham and separately, a
of Eric Benet's telling all while
he was married to Halle Berry. Certain women like
telling all and disparaging the wives in attempts at upsetting
them. It's not unique to any country or race. Hey, you've got
tramps in every country. However, I don't
understand women that seek to destroy the marriages of other
women that didn't do anything to them. It's mean on every level
and very cruel.

The man didn't rape
you, there was no crime committed, so why come forward and say
all this when you know he is married. What are you hoping to
accomplish. In this case the
question is, can and will the Parkers sue. Is there enough
credible evidence to show she is telling the truth or engaging
in massive defamation and slander.