Miami Memorial Day Weekend Was Rained Out This
YearMay 27. 2020

For many years, Memorial Day weekend in Miami,
specifically Miami Beach, sees hundreds of thousands of visitors,
primarily people in their late teens, twenties and thirties, flock
to the city from all over America. Beaches and streets of Miami
Beach are usually ram packed on Memorial Day weekend.
This past weekend's Memorial Day festivities were
rained out in Miami (including Miami Beach) due to massive rains and
flooding that occurred 4-days in a row. There was over seven inches
of rain in many parts of Miami.
This resulted in many people staying off the beach
and streets for the Memorial Day weekend and saved lives regarding
the coronavirus. If the standard packed crowds had hit the beach and
streets of Miami Beach, on thoroughfares such as Ocean Drive,
Collins Ave and Washington Ave, where people sit and walk very
closely together, like at concerts, coronavirus rates would have
been negatively impacted in Florida, and with crowds returning to
their home states and spreading the virus even more. So, the weekend
being rained out was not a bad thing. The heavy rains also helps to
cleanse outdoor surfaces.
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