Men Acquitted In
Criminal Case Over FBI Entrapment In False Claim They Were Plotting To
Kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen WhitmerMay 23. 2022

FBI Director Christopher Wray
This is a follow up to the August 4, 2021 article "The FBI Agent Who Set Up And Rigged
The Attempted Kidnapping Of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Arrested
For Trying To Beat His Wife To Death After A Swingers Sex Party."
In the August 4, 2021 article I expressed doubt about the
FBI's Gretchen Whitmer kidnap plot allegations and stated the lead FBI agent
in the criminal case, Richard Trask, who entrapped several men, "is not
a credible witness in court" and "rigging cases is standard criminal
behavior at the FBI." 9-months later two of the
men have been acquitted of plotting the kidnap Whitmer that was concocted by
FBI agent Richard Trask, who led them along like stooges, in acts of
The jury was not convinced of the
FBI's claims and acquitted two of the defendants.
The National Public Radio website reported, "Jurors
said they couldn't agree on verdicts again Adam Fox
and Barry Croft Jr" and "Defense attorneys portrayed their clients as credulous
weekend warriors prone to big, wild talk, who were often stoned. They said
FBI undercover agents and informants tricked and cajoled the men into
agreeing to a conspiracy."
The Federalist website reported, "A
jury refused on Friday to convict any of the four
men standing trial for supposedly plotting to kidnap
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer after strong evidence that the FBI tricked them into the
The FBI is just wasting taxpayer
money in concocting fake cases, to look busy and
extract billions more in funding from Congress,
which the law enforcement agency then steals and
misappropriates. It's disgraceful. The FBI is
This is after all, the same agency
who orchestrated the January 6, 2021 attack on the
Capitol, and they have more planned against
Congress, who are in danger (An FBI Agent Orchestrated The
January 6 Riots On The Capitol Building In Washington Confirming
Previous Site Claims and
The FBI Caught Lying By The
Mainstream Press About The Capitol Building Riots Confirming Previous
Site Claims).
2 men are acquitted in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Whitmer; hung
jury on 2 more
April 8, 20223:12 PM ET - GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Two of four
men were acquitted Friday in a conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen
Whitmer in 2020, motivated by fury at the Democrat's tough COVID-19
restrictions early in the pandemic.
The jury's verdicts against Daniel Harris and Brandon
Caserta were read in the federal court in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the
case presided over by U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker. Jurors said they
couldn't agree on verdicts again Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr. Prosecutors
described Fox as a ringleader of an anti-government group.
Fox, Croft and Harris faced additional charges. The two most
serious charges, kidnapping conspiracy and conspiracy to use explosives,
both carry potential life sentences.
Defense attorneys portrayed their clients as credulous
weekend warriors prone to big, wild talk, who were often stoned. They said
FBI undercover agents and informants tricked and cajoled the men into
agreeing to a conspiracy.
Jury Refuses To Convict Men Entrapped By FBI In Whitmer Kidnapping
April 08, 2022 - A jury refused on Friday to convict any of
the four men standing trial for supposedly plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov.
Gretchen Whitmer after strong evidence that the FBI tricked them into the
After 20 days of trial, jurors determined that Daniel
Harris, 24, and Brandon Caserta, 33, were not guilty of felony charges of
conspiracy to “unlawfully seize, confine, kidnap, abduct and carry away, and
hold for ransom and reward, or otherwise, the Governor of the State of
Jurors could not agree on the fates of Adam Fox, 38, and
Barry Croft Jr., 46, so the men left the trial with no verdict and with the
possibility of being brought to trial again...
The FBI Agent Who Set Up And Rigged
The Attempted Kidnapping Of Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Arrested
For Trying To Beat His Wife To Death After A Swingers Sex Party
FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith Pleads
Guilty To Lying To Judge And Falsifying Evidence To Spy On Political
Adviser Carter Page In Acts Further Proving The FBI Is Completely
An FBI Agent Orchestrated The
January 6 Riots On The Capitol Building In Washington Confirming
Previous Site Claims
FBI Agent Pleads Guilty To Evidence
Tampering And Perjury In A Criminal Investigation Against Missouri