Megan Fox Recoiling
September 15. 2009

Megan Fox
Actress, Megan Fox, has attempted to smooth over the stream of stupid quotes she has
been issuing, by stating sometimes her sense of humor does not translate well in
Well, that's a new one, as calling a director Hitler really isn't funny. I'm no
Michael Bay fan, but the stuff going on between
you two is getting
very uncomfortable.

In other Fox news (get the joke "Megan Fox" ..."Fox News") the text of the
blistering diss letter a few members of the Transformers film crew released is
posted below. It's an interesting read.
They really let Megan have it, in a diss so ego-crushing, any mystique
surrounding her is absolutely gone. They laid her antics and lack of substance
bare for the world to see.

Sorry, Megan, but there are prettier stars out there and the
industry always has a new face looking to outshine the last one.
This won't last forever for you and since you are apart of the
Hollywood machine, it really wasn't smart to spit on your co-workers in this
manner, provoking such a caustic response:
This is an open letter to all Michael Bay fans. We
are three crew members that have worked with Michael for the past ten years.
Last week we read the terrible article with inflammatory, truly trashing quotes
by the Ms. Fox about Michael Bay. This letter is to set a few things straight.
Yes, Megan has great eyes, a tight stomach we spray with glycerin, and an awful
silly Marilyn Monroe tattoo plastered on her arm that we cover up to keep the
moms happy. Michael found this shy, inexperienced girl, plucked her out of total
obscurity thus giving her the biggest shot of any young actresses' life. He told
everyone around to just trust him on his choice.
He granted her the starring role in Transformers, a
franchise that forever changed her life; she became one of the most googled and
oogled women on earth. She was famous! She was the next Angelina Jolie, hooray!
Wait a minute, two of us worked with Angelina – second thought – she’s no
Angelina. You see, Angelia is a professional.
We know this quite intimately because we’ve had the tedious experience of
working with the dumb-as-a-rock Megan Fox on both Transformers movies. We've
spent a total of 12 months on set making these two movies. We are in different
departments; we can’t give our names because sadly doing so in Hollywood could
lead to being banished from future Paramount work. One of us touches Megan’s
panties, the other has the often shitty job of pulling Ms. Sour pants out of her
trailer, while another is near the Panaflex camera that helps to memorialize the
valley girl on film.
Megan has the press fooled. When we read those magazines we wish we worked with
that woman. Megan knows how to work her smile for the press. Those writers
should try being on set for two movies, sadly she never smiles. The cast, crew
and director make Transformers a really fun and energetic set. We’ve traveled
around the world together, so we have never understood why Megan was always such
– the grump of the set?
When facing the press, Megan is the queen of talking trailer trash and posing
like a porn star. And yes we’ve had the unbearable time of watching her try to
act on set, and yes, it's very cringe-able. So maybe, being a porn star in the
future might be a good career option.
But make-up beware, she has a paragraph tattooed to her backside (probably
due her rotten childhood) easily another 45 minutes in the chair! So when
the three of us caught wind of Ms Fox, pontificating yet again in some
publication (like she actually has something interesting to say) blabbing her
trash mouth about a director whom we three have grown to really like.
She compared working with Michael, to “working with
Hitler”. We actually don’t think she knows who Hitler is by the way. But we
wondered how she doesn’t realize what a disgusting, fully uneducated comment
this was?
Well, here let’s get some facts straight. Say what you want about Michael – yes
at times he can be hard, but he's also fun, and he challenges everyone for a
reason – he simply wants people to bring their ‘A’ game. He comes very prepared,
knows exactly what he wants, involves the crew and expects everyone to follow
through with his or her best, and that includes the actors.
He’s one of the hardest working directors out
there. He gets the best from his crews, many of whom have worked with him for 15
years. And yes, he’s loyal, one of the few directors we’ve encountered who
lowered his fee by millions to keep Transformers in the United States and
California, so he could work with his own crew.
Megan says that Transformers was an unsafe set? Come on Megan, we know it is a
bit more strenuous then the playground at the trailer park, but you don’t insult
one of the very best stunt and physical effects teams in the business! Not one
person got hurt! And who is the real Megan Fox? She is very different than the
academy nominee and winning actors we’ve all worked around. She’s as about
ungracious a person as you can ever fathom.
She shows little interest in the crew members around her. We work to make her
look good in every way, but she's absolutely never appreciative of anyone’s hard
work. Never a thank you. All the crewmembers have stopped saying hi to Ms.
Princess because she never says hello back. It gets tiring. Many think she just
really hates the process of being an actress. Megan has been late to the sets
many times. She goes through the motions that make her exude this sense of
We’ve heard the A.D’s piped over the radio that Megan won’t walk from her
trailer until John Turturro walks first! John’s done seventy-five movies and
she’s made two! Never expect Megan to attend any of the 15 or so crew parties
like all the other actors have.
And then there's the classless night she blew
off The Royal Prince of Jordan who made a special dinner for all the actors. She
doesn’t know that one of the grips daughters wanted to visit their daddy’s work
to meet Megan, but he wouldn’t let them come because he told them “she is not
The press certainly doesn’t know her most famous line. On our first day in
Egypt, the Egyptian government wouldn’t let us shoot because of a permit problem
as the actors got ready in make up at the Four Seasons Hotel. Michael tried to
make the best of it; he wanted to take the cast and crew on a private tour of
the famous Giza pyramids.
God hold us witness, Megan said, "I can’t believe Michael is f****** forcing
us to go to the f****** pyramids!" I guess this is the “Hitler guy” she is
referring to.
So this is the Megan Fox you don’t get to see. Maybe she will learn, but we
figure if she can sling insults, then she can take them too. Megan really is a
thankless, classless, graceless, and shall we say unfriendly b****. It's sad how
fame can twist people, and even sadder that young girls look up to her. If only
they knew who they're really looking up to.
But ‘Fame’ is fleeting. We, being behind the scenes, seen em’ come and go.
Hopefully Michael will have Megatron squish her character in the first ten
minutes of Transformers 3. We can tell you that will make the crew happy!
-Loyal Transformers Crew
Megan Fox: ‘People Don’t Understand me’
Sep 15 2009. Posted by Adam - Megan FoxMegan Fox says she’s often
The Transformers actress, 23, admits some of the things she says during
interviews are often taken the wrong way because her sense of humor “doesn’t
translate” when her comments are written down.
“This business is so much about image and it is, in some ways, a game you
have to play because you’re a product and you have to be sold to people,” Fox
tells Parade magazine.
“My sense of humor doesn’t translate well into print — like, some of the
things I say can be offensive or found offensive even though I don’t mean them
that way. So I have been told to try and censor myself here and there. I’m
trying, but I’m not really succeeding at it.”
...I’m blessed with the opportunities that people are giving me — ones that I
don’t maybe even deserve. But I’m not complaining.”