Medical Examiner
Establishes The Cause Of Death Of Actress And Video
Girl Tawny Kitaen
There Were No Drugs Or Alcohol
Present In Her System
October 21. 2021

Tawny Kitaen
Beautiful actress and video girl
Tawny Kitaen passed away this past May. She was
59-years-old. The stunning Irish and Jewish model
shot to fame in the 1980s in a series of music
videos by hugely successful rock band Whitesnake.
Kitaen married the band's lead
singer/songwriter, English musician, David Coverdale,
who wrote the band's smash hits "Here I Go Again"
"Is This Love" and "The Deeper The Love" among other
tracks. Coverdale also had solo hits with such songs
as "The Last Note of Freedom."
The two were happy for a time, but
divorced 2-years later. Kitaen publicly feuded with
Coverdale over the inability to re-post Whitesnake
videos on her social networking pages and website.
She would receive takedown notices for posting the
videos on her social networking pages.
The issue is record labels and
artists make money from streaming songs and music
videos on sites such as You Tube. You can post the
html code on your page, but to download then upload
the video to another page takes away revenues. Hence
the copyright infringement/takedown requests. I
genuinely don't think Kitaen understood the issue,
as she wasn't a music executive.
Streaming music videos on sites such
as You Tube is bringing in tens of thousands and
sometimes millions of dollars to top
selling/streaming stars. Whitesnake videos have been
streamed hundreds of millions of times. That's
significant revenue from streaming. The You Tube
ads, placed by Google, represents massive ad revenue
for some who receive many streams. The top streamer
on You Tube makes $25,000,000 per year.
When Kitaen passed, Coverdale sent
his condolences to her family via his social
networking pages. A few years after their marriage
ended, Kitaen remarried (baseball player Chuck
Finley) and had two daughters (Wynter and Raine).

Tawny Kitaen and Dave Coverdale in the 1980s.
They dated for four years then were married for two.
Kitaen did have problems with
substance abuse, which was not a secret. However,
she went to rehab and became sober. I'm glad her
cause of death was not a drug overdose or alcohol
poisoning, due to what people would state. It was
heart disease (dilated cardiomyopathy).
Kitaen's arteries were clogged,
which means she was experiencing chest pains,
shortness of breath and fatigue at different times.
Many recovering addicts do not realize the damage
drugs and alcohol do over time and that they need to
see a cardiologist to try to mitigate and clear as
much of the damage as possible.
Heart surgery is sometimes required
to clear the blockage in the arteries and stents are
inserted to keep blood flowing properly, which also
alleviates chest pains, shortness of breath and
fatigue. Consuming foods rich in vitamins and
minerals on a daily basis, particularly spinach and
broccoli, is very helpful to the heart. It literally
helps the heart and can greatly reduce or eliminate
chest pains in some cases. Avoiding red meat, fried
foods and caffeine is also imperative when you have
a heart problem, lest they cause you a world of pain
(chest pains and shortness of breath).
The medical examiner found Tylenol
in Kitaen's system, but what she had needed was
aspirin to help with blood flow in reference to her
clogged arteries. She must have been experiencing
chest pains, shortness of breath and fatigue. An
aspirin helps to alleviate that in heart patients.
She really needed a cardiologist, but didn't realize
it. They do a battery of tests that can prolong your
life via determining what medical intervention is
Kitaen never had a heart attack and
was thin. So, she probably assumed her heart was
okay. A number of people make that mistake. Take the
late singer Whitney Houston for example. Whitney was
thin and 47-years-old when she died (she was killed
by Nick Gordon who later drowned her daughter in the
exact same manner).
However, the autopsy revealed that
Whitney had serious arterial blockage from years of
drug use, specifically cocaine. Whitney began doing
cocaine in her late teens. I'm convinced had Whitney
known of the heart damage the cocaine was causing
she would have seen a cardiologist. However, most
people who are in good shape and never had a heart
attack don't realize cocaine and other narcotics can
severely clog their arteries.

Tawny Kitaen in the very famous Whitesnake
video "Here I Go Again"
Tawny's father, Terry Kitaen, died a
few short months prior to her death and she was
suffering from depression, according to family
members and friends. Antidepressants and sedatives
were found in Kitaen's system, which confirms she
was indeed depressed.
Bereavement is a difficult thing to
go through. However, people must keep in mind, your
loved ones want you to be happy and move forward
with your lives. They don't want you to be sad and
depressed, though it is natural to grieve. With time
you will feel better. The pain of grief won't always
be this strong. You will feel better.
Kitaen also had plastic surgery at
different times in recent years and required opiates
while healing. Kitaen has openly spoken about having
plastic surgery and corrective surgeries. When she
was young peer pressure made her feel that she
needed breast implants (which she later regretted).
She stated the plastic surgeon did a very bad job
during the original procedure. I saw a show of
Kitaen going to a doctor to correct the visible
Kitaen had a great body and didn't
need any cosmetic work. However, when you work in
Hollywood there is peer pressure to have work done.
Even teens and people in their twenties in Hollywood
have a lot of plastic surgery that they really don't
need. Not to mention, every time you go under the
knife there's a risk of complications with the
surgery that can have lasting effects.
Kitaen also had a coronavirus
vaccine a couple months before she died. She spoke
about it on her social networking page. If a
person's immune system is not strong due to the
underlying health factors present, such as heart
disease, the vaccine can accelerate the course of
the medical condition and lead to an earlier death,
as I've stated on this site and social networking
previously (Former
U.S. Secretary Of State Colin Powell Dies After
Receiving Coronavirus Vaccine). Rest in
peace Tawny.
1980s Video Vixen Tawny Kitaen Has