Madonna's Kabbalah Fleeced Dementia
Victim Out Of $600,000 And Took Out Multi-Million Dollar Loan In Her
Name To Build Mansion
April 20. 2012

Whoever told Madonna that
looked good lied
Madonna's Kabbalah cult fleeced 87-year-old dementia sufferer, Susan
Strong Davis, out of $600,000 in cash. According to the
Los Angeles Times, the wealthy widow's accountant is
entertainment industry money manager, John E. Larkin, who is also a
member of the sick cult headed up by Madonna and the Berg family (Philip
Berg, Karen Berg, Yehuda Berg and Michael Berg).

Kabbalah's Philip Berg, 82, and wife, Karen, 69
In addition to stealing Davis' money, they also took out a
multi-million dollar loan in her name to fund the construction of a
lavish Beverly Hills mansion. Beverly Hills is also the city in
California the Bergs and Madonna reside, in massive mansions bought with
ill-gotten gains.

Behind the doors of the Kabbalah Center in Los
Angeles, a great number of financial crimes and human rights abuses
transpire on a daily basis. Other outposts of the cult are engaging in
crimes as well.
Madonna and the Bergs have become very rich off stealing others money
and property, in conduct that is positively criminal and felonious.
However, bribes have been issued to the FBI's
Director, Robert S. Mueller, which has facilitated their freedom
from facing justice in a court of law and imprisonment.
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