Madonna Distraught At Failing Tour (And Ankle Injury)October 7. 2019

Madonna looking awful like her face got stretched back too far by
the plastic surgeon
News in the entertainment industry is Madonna has
been distraught and crying over her failing "Madame X" tour. She is
not used to playing to such small audiences of hundreds, instead of
tens of thousands of people, and it is a massive reality check for
the evil, washed up, one time pop star.
Madonna, who is a senior citizen, is trying to
package herself as an 18-year-old pop singer and it is failing
miserably. She keeps
stealing music, then going on stage dressed like and acting
like a teenager, which has the public laughing and writing her off
as a loon, who is out of touch with reality. In trying to do this
teenage type concert series in small theatres, she has been breaking
up her 62-year-old body.
The first postponements of show dates were due to
poor ticket sales, which did not improve. She went on tour anyway to
very small audiences and is now stating she has injured her ankle.
It's probably osteoporosis and those crazy dance moves. So, the tour
dates are postponed again. Well, people weren't really attending
anyway, now were they.
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