Lizzo Hires Top Defense
Attorney Over Lawsuit Claims She Fat Shamed Back-Up
Dancers And Forced Them To Eat Bananas Covered In
The Vaginal Fluids Of Sex Workers
Lizzo Is Acting Like She Is OJ Simpson On
Trial For Murder By Banana
"If The Glove Banana Does
Not Fit You Must Acquit"
August 10. 2023

Lizzo should be facing criminal charges. Give
her the electric chair for forcing her back-up
dancers to eat bananas with vaginal fluid on them.
Fry Lizzo up like some KFC (LOL).
Reports indicate that disgraced
singer, Lizzo, who has been cancelled by social
networking, and has lost many followers online, over
lawsuit claims she sexually harassed, bullied,
defrauded and forced her back-up dancers to attend
sex shows and eat vaginal fluid covered bananas from
sex workers, has hired defense attorney Marty
Singer is known in the industry for
defending people who look guilty as can be and are
in more trouble than President Joe Biden walking on
a flight of stairs. If Lizzo thought this was a way
to make herself look credible and intimidating,
she's wrong. All she did was make it look like she
did exactly what she is accused of by the
back-dancers. People on social networking are
certainly interpreting it that way.
Regardless of Singer being Lizzo's
attorney. I believe her back-up dancers are telling
the truth about her behavior. So many become famous
and start abusing others and it is so unnecessary.
Rather than focus on their craft, it is standard
behavior in Hollywood to engage in deranged conduct
that harms other people.
Lizzo’s Lawyer Is A Hollywood Bulldog—See
Marty Singer’s Lengthy List Of Famous Clients
Aug 3, 2023,01:37pm EDT - As pop
star Lizzo defends herself against a new lawsuit
that includes a barrage of toxic workplace
allegations, as well as religious and sexual
harassment claims, her attorney Marty Singer has
spoken up to discredit one of her accusers—and Lizzo
isn’t the only star he’s defended...
Lizzo Sued By Back-Up Dancers For Lack Of Pay, Fat
Shaming And Forcing Them To Eat Bananas Covered In
Sex Workers Vaginal Fluids