Little Girl Crying Over The Election Says 'I'm Tired Of Bronco
Bama And Mitt Romney' (Video)
Oh Snap! This Little Girl Is Not Playing!
October 31. 2012
A little 4-year-old girl went off and said she is sick of the election and wants it
over with. Those weren't her exact words, but you get the point. She started crying and said she is,
"Tired of Bronco Bama and Mitt Romney." I'm not gonna lie, I laughed.
"Bronco Bama?" Priceless.

In America, especially in the South, black people use the word "Bama"
to refer to an unsophisticated man or woman, who is not worldly. It's like
calling someone a country bumpkin. That little girl needs to be careful or "Bronco" will
have her family audited
by the IRS. Just five more days to go...
brings 4-year-old to tears, captures sentiment of entire nation [VIDEO]
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