Lindsay Lohan: Teen Pregnancy Is No Big Deal
Clearly Crack
Is A Powerful Drug
December 21. 2007

Lindsay Lohan
Yesterday, Lindsay Lohan
further illustrated why she should not be a role model to, well, anyone, as
she irresponsibly exclaimed in response to the news of 16-year-old
Nickelodeon star Jamie Lynn Spears' unplanned teen pregnancy, "Why do people
think it's such a big deal?" Oh dear. Were you high again,
Lindsay. Even staunched liberals don't think Spears' teen pregnancy sets a good
example. Yet amazingly, you do.

Jamie Lynn Spears
I've said it before and I'll say it
again, one really does not need talent or intelligence to be a star in this day
and age - just a willingness to make a
train wreck of your life and
complete idiot of yourself, coupled with heavy doses of
pandering to the press for any and all media attention you can vacuum up.
While, I know you don't like
anything, incident or person that takes away attention from your
constant-car-accident-site of a life, considering you have a sibling about
Jamie's age, you could at least pretend to be a socially conscious and
responsible human being, in not saying anything that would lead young,
impressionable teens into thinking teen pregnancy is the way to go.

Jamie Lynn Spears
So, Lindsay, while
you're out scoring your next hit (and I'm not talking about
music, because, well, you can't sing) try to contain your
destructiveness to yourself. As for Jamie Lynn, there are
reports that she plans to wed the 19 year old man that got her pregnant.
Lynne Spears, what a mess you have made. At age 16 you served your daughter up
to a 19 year old man, via helping them move into their own apartment. Jamie Lynn
really shouldn't be faced with such a decision like this at 16, but you lead her
down this path.
Time and time again, her poor
judgment showed through, from cheering on the nastiness that was the opening of
the 2003 MTV Awards, even calling it cool, to this latest incident - and several
times there was her husband on the other side of the aisle saying he did not

Jamie Lynne Spears and
boyfriend Casey Aldridge
This week, Jamie Lynn's father was
alleged to have said, "She's ruined her life." It does look that way, but
she can recover.
While, I don't encourage underage pregnancies, as I believe you
should be married and at least 18 years of age, I don't think her life is
She is going to have to be
responsible, sober and diligent in learning about pregnancy and raising
children. Before her sister had her first child, I wrote in my Sound Off Column
that she should rest, relax and read books on pregnancy and child rearing,
because I saw where it was going. Sadly, she didn't and it went there anyway.

Jamie Lynn Spears
Jamie Lynn need not repeat the
mistakes her sister made. Kids are defenseless, they need love and proper care.
Lastly, I think Commissioner Gordon
should force Lynn Spears to take parenting classes. Because anyway you slice it,
this is just too much.