Lindsay Lohan Does Hard
Time...84 Minutes
November 16. 2007

Lindsay Lohan
Due to
overcrowding in L.A. county jails, Lindsay "The Black Kid Did It" Lohan was
released early after serving 84 minutes of a one day jail sentence for cocaine
possession (twice), drunk driving (twice) and damaging public property (once,
but not before running over "the black kid's" foot).
It's rare
that one finds this kind of sophistication and grace:

Even her waste of
celluloid movies last longer than that. Regardless,
Lindsay has been easing back
into her old routine, which could spell a repeat visit if she is not careful.
And to think
people pay models to walk down runways while an undiscovered STD
socialite like Paris is hanging around:

Paris "The Felon"
Hilton is another one slipping back into her old routine. A few months ago after
she was released from jail (LOL), she told Larry King that she had changed, but
just this week she was spotted out partying...on a stripper pole...looking
wasted...surrounded by men.