Lee Daniels Settles Defamation Lawsuit Filed
By Sean Penn Over Madonna's Lies
May 6. 2016

Sean Penn and ex-wife Madonna, who claimed he used to beat
her with a bat, yet she keeps smiling and taking photos with
Lee Daniels slammed actor Sean Penn in a Hollywood Reporter
interview last year, labeling him a "wife beater." Daniels
made these claims due to lies Penn's mentally deranged
ex-wife Madonna told and circulated in the industry for
years. Madonna claimed Penn beat her with a bat. However,
Madonna is a pathological liar and
a kleptomaniac.
She is not to be believed. Daniels publicly rehashing the
rumors Madonna spread, resulted in Penn filing a $10,000,000
defamation lawsuit against him last year.

Lee Daniels
Daniels made the statements in the interview in trying to
excuse allegations of domestic violence against Terrence
Howard, the star of his copyright infringing, failing show
Madonna illegally sold him at cut rate prices in a dirty
business deal "Empire." Slamming Penn was a means of kissing
up to Madonna. However, the show "Empire" has been on a
massive ratings slide over the past few months under a site

Daniels has now settled the lawsuit, donated money to Penn's
Haiti charity and issued a groveling publicly apology
stating, "I am sorry that I have hurt you Sean, and I
apologize and retract my reckless statements about you."
Daniels is known in the entertainment industry as a mean
spirited, evil, vicious man that abuses his post as producer
to damage the careers of those he deems enemies. Stars such
as Mo'Nique have spoken out against him. Others in the
industry have made complaints against him as well. Daniels
is a nasty piece of work and a complete fake.
Lee Daniels Settles Sean Penn Defamation Suit, Writes
Apology Letter: 'I Am So Sorry I Have Hurt You Sean'
05/04/2016 AT 04:35 PM EDT - Sean Penn has
settled his defamation lawsuit against Lee Daniels, who
wrote a public letter of apology to the actor after accusing
him of hitting women last year. "I am so sorry that I have
hurt you, Sean, and I apologize and retract my reckless
statements about you. How thoughtless of me. You are someone
I consider a friend, a brilliant actor and true Hollywood
legend and humanitarian," Daniels wrote in a joint statement
with Penn obtained by PEOPLE. Along with the apology,
Daniels made a donation to Penn's J/P Haitian Relief
Penn filed the complaint against Daniels
last September after the Empire co-creator compared the
actor to his show's star Terrence Howard, who admitted to
hitting his first wife. "That poor boy," Daniels said in an
interview with The Hollywood Reporter. "[Terrence] ain't
done nothing different than Marlon Brando or Sean Penn, and
all of a sudden he's some f------ demon. That's a sign of
the time, of race, of where we are right now in America."
Madonna, Jay Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Rita Ora And Jessie J Sued
Over Copyright Infringement, Invasion Of Privacy, Commissioned
Criminal Harassment And Assault Via The Kabbalah Center
Copyright Infringing Show 'Empire' Experiences Massive Ratings
Decline Losing 4,000,000 Viewers Since Lawsuit
'Empire' Ratings Decline Again For A Total Of 8 Million Viewers Lost
Since The Filing Of Lawsuit
'Empire' TV Show Continues To Rapidly Lose Viewers Shedding
2,200,000 More In 2 Weeks
Loses Another 1,000,000 Viewers For A Total Of 5,000,000 Since
'Empire' TV Show Hits Season Low Losing 9,000,000 Viewers