Lady Gaga's
Dogwalker Shot In The Chest While Walking Her Dogs
Who Are Abducted By Two Men
February 26. 2021

Lady Gaga
An armed man is being sought by
police in connection with a shooting incident
involving 30-year-old Ryan Fischer, who was shot
four times. Fischer was walking three French
bulldogs near his home in West Hollywood. The dogs
belong to pop singer, Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga's dog walker shot
One dog escaped, but the gunman
nabbed two of the pooches and fled in a vehicle
being driven by his accomplice. Neighbors heard
gunshots and Fischer’s screaming and called the
police. Paramedics tended to a barely conscious
Fischer, who was shot in the chest and arms.

Lady Gaga and her dogs
Lady Gaga gas offered a $500,000
reward for the safe return of her dogs. It is clear
Lady Gaga was being targeted and I'm of the belief
someone she knows commissioned it. Hence, Fischer
being shot. It all comes across as very personal.

Lady Gaga
It reminds me of disgraced Hollywood
private eye, mafioso and violent convicted felon,
Anthony Pellicano, being accused of psychotically
stealing Paula Jones' dog, when Hillary Clinton sic
him on her over husband Bill Clinton's sexually
inappropriate conduct.
After Lady Gaga's dog walker
shot in Hollywood, she offers $500,000 for dogs'
Thu, February 25, 2021, 12:03 PM -
According to the Los Angeles Police Department's
Hollywood Division, a suspect armed with a
semiautomatic handgun shot a single victim around
9:40 p.m. in the 1500 block of Sierra Bonita Avenue.
The gunman later fled the scene, driving northbound
on Sierra Bonita in a white vehicle, and the
shooting victim was transported in unknown condition
to a local hospital.
A pair of Gaga's French bulldogs,
Koji and Gustav, were abducted, and The Times has
confirmed that the "Shallow" singer is offering a
$500,000 reward for their return, "no questions
asked." TMZ reported that an email address,
confirmed Thursday by The Times, has been set up for
anyone with information about the dogs'
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