Kelly Price Surfaces After
Missing Report Filed (Video)
September 27. 2021
Singer/songwriter Kelly Price has
finally surfaced. Price's family members had not
seen her in months and franticly tried to find the
singer, who is suffering from COVID. Price was
checked out of the hospital and went missing.
Price's family pleaded with her to surface via audio
or video to let them know she is okay.
Price was at home for one week with
COVID but took a turn for the worse. She was then
admitted to the hospital. Price stated she flatlined
and medically "died" at the hospital, but doctors
brought her back. She was on a ventilator in the

Kelly Price
Price was later discharged from the
hospital and went to an undisclosed location.
Price is now suffering from longhaul COVID, as I
stated yesterday at 2:00AM before she surfaced (Kelly
Price's Sister Insists She Is Not Okay After Being
Reported Missing By Her Family With Claims She Is At
A Healthcare Facility On A Ventilator (Video)).
There were rumors in the industry
that she is on a ventilator, as mentioned yesterday,
and she was, but is now off it. Price is now getting
breathing treatments as she mentioned in the video
above. I wish Price well, as COVID is terrible. Once
again, I'm sorry she's going through that.
Kelly Price's Sister Insists She Is Not Okay After
Being Reported Missing By Her Family With Claims She
Is At A Healthcare Facility On A Ventilator (Video)
Singer Kelly Price Was Listed As
Missing And Is Now In An Undisclosed Location