Justin Bieber And Rapper Khalil Caught In Photo
Being Breastfed By Stripper
February 2. 2014

Justin Bieber
19-year-old pop star Justin Bieber is facing more
trouble again. This past Friday, Bieber was hit with more
controversy in the wake of his Miami arrest for DUI, as his private
jet that flew into New Jersey for today's Super Bowl was searched by
police, after the strong odor of marijuana was detected. Bieber was
interrogated for hours and then released (see: they smoked most of
the weed during the flight and flushed the rest before landing).
Yesterday a photo of Bieber, who appeared to be high
on drugs was released to the press by TMZ, showing the troubled
singer being, um, how do I put this delicately, breastfed by a
stripper. The photo shows Bieber and rapper Khalil with their mouths
on the stripper's nipples. The photo is not a good look at all. Why
TMZ thought it appropriate to buy and release such a photo,
especially considering many of Bieber's fans are underage and will
end up shell-shocked from viewing it, is beyond understanding.
Anything for the website page views, huh?
Once again, Bieber's drug and alcohol addiction is
impairing his judgment and endangering his health. He needs rehab.
One can contract herpes from putting one's mouth on the nipple of a
person carrying the disease. Herpes is currently incurable and
distressing to those who have it. The Judiciary Report is concerned
about Bieber's promiscuity, as he is having sex with prostitutes and
strippers, which is very dangerous to his health.

Justin Bieber, Lil Wayne and Floyd Mayweather, apart of the
boxer's Money Team
Bieber, a member of Floyd Mayweather's Money Team,
is going along the destructive path boxer Adrien Broner did before
his shock defeat to Marcos Maidana. Broner kept partying and
engaging in high profile incidents that offended the public. Then
Broner topped it off by performing oral sex on a stripper in a strip
club in front of everyone and photos of the public debauchery ended
up on Media Take Out. Broner was heavily slammed by the online
public over his open displays of lewdness and lasciviousness. That's
called losing focus and he paid a price for it in the Maidana fight
and ensuing chaos. Here's hoping Mayweather doesn't do the same, as
it would not be beneficial to his name or career.
Bieber's also dating women known in the industry as
"starfu***rs" who claim they are models, actresses and or singers,
but what they truly do is pursue, latch on to and have sex with high
profile men and or women in trying to raise their profile. They are
opportunists and it's rather desperate and undignified. Bieber's
current girlfriend Chantel Jeffries is such a woman, who has
opportunistically pursued and had sex with a number of pro-athletes,
rappers and singers. She's being passed around the industry by
people who do not respect her, which is the story of all "starf****rs."

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
Meanwhile, Bieber's ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez, who
still loves him, is heartbroken and devastated. I'm going to be
honest with you and tell you how women think. A woman like Gomez
with looks, her own money and career is going to think twice about
getting back with Bieber, due to what she is seeing in the press.
If Justin wants Selena back, as is being stated in
the industry by some, he's going to have a lot of work to do and she
may not come back to him at all for the following reasons. No decent
woman wants to deal with a man having sex with prostitutes,
strippers and or "starf******s." It's a major turnoff.
A decent woman with standards sees you with a
prostitute, stripper and or "starf******" and she will run
from you like the plague. It sends your stock way down in the sight
of decent women. I'm just telling you the truth. That's how women
think. If you want Selena back, it's going to be difficult after
what's been put in the press. Based on what I have heard, you hurt
her very badly.

Justin Bieber and Chantel Jeffries
You're in a toxic environment with toxic so-called
friends encouraging you to engage in very unsavory conduct that is
destroying everything you have worked for. You didn't start off like
this and it is destroying your name, health and career. The sad
thing is if you get sick, locked up and or lose your career over
what is ongoing destructive behavior, you'll find out who your real
friends are, as the leeches currently in your entourage will abandon
you. That's just what leeches do. Rats always leave the
sinking ship first. Real friends would tell you the truth about what
you're doing and how it is destroying you. A real friend wouldn't
want to put you in harm's way or see you fall like what's happening
I don't even know you and it saddens me to see you
self-destruct like this, which makes me wonder how the people who
claim they are your friends can sit back and tell you this is okay.
You are an adult and can do as you please, but I would like you to
proverbially get your hand off the self-destruct button before it's
too late. Don't let this be your legacy, after you came from poverty
and troubled circumstances to become a successful star.
Cocaine Found
In Justin Bieber's House During Raid By The Los Angeles Police
Citing Felony Charges
Some Are Claiming Rapper Lil Za Is Taking The Fall For Justin Bieber
But Is He
Justin Bieber
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