Joe Biden's Terrible Financial
Policies Causing The U.S. Economy To Decline Again
June 22. 2022

Joe Biden
As the Biden economy worsens U.S.
democrats in Congress are becoming more concerned
about their midterm prospects. Voters are angry over
inflation which is costing the average America
household several hundred dollars more per month in
food, gas and services. This inflation is being
publicly associated with Biden, who has brought
severe financial hardships on the American people
due to his unwise, erroneous and dangerous financial
polices in the White House.
A new report stated Americans are
eating at restaurants less and forgoing other items
such as haircuts in salons and barbershops, clothing
purchases, and car and home buying. This is terrible
for the U.S. economy. Layoffs enacted by airlines
months ago, translated into the cancellation of tens
of thousands of flights this month, leaving
travelers both domestic and tourists, without the
means to travel. This is also bad for the economy
(and tourism). The country is so out of whack because
of Biden's terrible financial decisions. The U.S.
economy is being destroyed by Biden, right before
everyone's eyes.
U.S. President Joe Biden Hits Record
Low Approval Rating Again And Is Angry It Is Lower Than Predecessor
Donald Trump's Numbers
Gas Hitting A
Record $7.50 Per Gallon In America Is Another Indicator President Joe
Biden Has Failed In His Handling Of The Economy