Joe Biden's Persistent Cough
Alarms The Press And Public As It Is A Sign Of A
Health Problem
September 18. 2021

Joe Biden
U.S. President, Joe Biden, has
alarmed the press and public with a persistent
cough. This has been happening all year. NBC News’
Kelly O’Donnell asked Biden's press secretary, Jen
Psaki, about the president's persistent cough, which
indicates illness.
O'Donnell asked, "Many of us were in
the East Room watching the president, we’ve seen him
on many occasions where he had a repeated cough.
What is the situation with that cough and is it a
concern?" Psaki responded, "It’s not a concern. We
have a doctor who travels with him, obviously who
checks in if it is ever warranted, and certainly
that continues to be the case, as it has been since
the beginning of his presidency"
O'Donnell pressed, "Is there an
explanation for why he coughs so frequently in
situations like that?" Psaki replied, "I don’t think
it’s an issue of concern. I think there are a range
of reasons why we may need to clear our throat or we
may have a little light cold, and that’s certainly
something that presidents, elected officials,
reporters, spokespeople can confront."
The New York Post wrote, "It’s
become so common that the hashtag #Bidencough exists
on social media. 'Biden coughing, gagging and phlegm
gurgling is making me ill. Every television speech
full of this. Give the man water PLEASE,' one user
wrote on Twitter after the president’s East Room
Biden had two aneurysms (a large and
a small one) and three strokes. This level of brain
hemorrhaging can interfer with the heart. The
chronic coughing can be attributed to the heart
being in distress and the individual suffering
respiratory problems. The persistent coughing
presenting in a person with Biden's medical history
is a warning sign the individual is in danger of
heart failure.
Biden is not suitable to be
president. He has dementia, significant hemorrhage
issues and a burgeoning heart problem. He has been
experiencing falls and one that resulted in a broken
bone months ago. He has become so confused and
forgetful that military officials are worried about
him having access to nuclear codes. America has too
many serious and pressing problems to have a
president with Biden's medical profile. He has
repeatedly shown he is not up to the job.
Biden’s persistent coughing during latest
speech spurs health questions
September 16, 2021 4:59pm Updated -
It’s nothing to sneeze at. President Biden’s
persistent coughing and clearing his throat while
addressing the public sparked questions at the White
House briefing on Thursday about the health of the
president — after he paused several times to clear
his throat during his speech on tax hikes minutes
“Many of us were in the East Room
watching the president, we’ve seen him on many
occasions where he had a repeated cough. What is the
situation with that cough and is it a concern?”
asked NBC News’ Kelly O’Donnell.
“It’s not a concern,” said White
House press secretary Jen Psaki. “We have a doctor
who travels with him, obviously who checks in if it
is ever warranted, and certainly that continues to
be the case, as it has been since the beginning of
his presidency,” she added...
After he coughed and was hoarse
while speaking in December after the Electoral
College confirmed his victory in the 2020 election,
aides said he was suffering from a slight cold. More
recently, the president hacked at several points
during a speech Monday in California in support of
Gov. Gavin Newsom in the recall election, causing
him to apologize and even pause to take a sip of
During the presidential campaign,
his doctor, Kevin O’Connor, told the Wall Street
Journal that Biden is fit to serve as president, but
also noted that he is being treated for high
cholesterol, acid reflux disease and seasonal