Joe Biden Is The Second Most
Unpopular President In U.S. History
Second Only To Former President Jimmy Carter
August 1. 2023

Joe Biden
Yahoo News reported, "Joe Biden is
the second-most-unpopular president in modern U.S.
history. As of July 18, Biden’s average job-approval
rating, according to the poll aggregators at
FiveThirtyEight, is a paltry 39.1%; his average
disapproval rating is 55.4%. That means his 'net
approval rating' is -16.3%, which is well
'underwater,' as pollsters like to say. Negative
16.3% is also really bad historically speaking. In
fact, the only president with weaker numbers than
Biden was Jimmy Carter, who hit -28.6% on day 910."
Wow, that's really bad. Biden is one
of the most hated presidents in U.S. history. Biden
is so busy fixating on rival, former U.S. President
Donald Trump, who keeps beating him in the polls
(that aren't rigged) that he has failed to see how
low of an opinion the American people have of him.
The public has watched so much failure come out of
Biden, regarding inflation (gas, food and housing
prices are up again), the national debt,
Afghanistan, plus the constant gaffes and falls. He
has full blown dementia and should be impeached.
Biden is unqualified to be President and America is
paying the price for it.
Side Bar: you do
realize the war in Ukraine happened because Biden is
in office, which emboldened evil Putin, who sees him
as a senile punk (A National Harvard Poll Reveals A
Majority Of Americans Believe Vladimir Putin Would Not Have Invaded
Ukraine If Donald Trump Was Still U.S. President). You do also
realize that people died in Afghanistan because
Biden is President (President Joe Biden Killed Men And
Children In Afghanistan Not The ISIS Terrorist He Claims To Have Taken
Out In A Drone Strike and
Joe Biden's Horrible Failures In
Afghanistan Has Resulted In Women Being Killed While Others Are Now
Being Forced To Leave The Workforce Under The Taliban's Terrorist Rule
Why is Joe Biden so unpopular?
July 18, 2023 - At this point in his
term — about 910 days in — Joe Biden is the
second-most-unpopular president in modern U.S.
history. As of July 18, Biden’s average job-approval
rating, according to the poll aggregators at
FiveThirtyEight, is a paltry 39.1%; his average
disapproval rating is 55.4%. That means his “net
approval rating” is -16.3%, which is well
“underwater,” as pollsters like to say.
Negative 16.3% is also really bad
historically speaking. In fact, the only president
with weaker numbers than Biden was Jimmy Carter, who
hit -28.6% on day 910. At the time, just 29% of
Americans approved of Carter’s performance on
average, while 57.6% disapproved...