Jay Z Continues To Cheat On
July 19. 2021

Beyonce holding up the Hollywood "Illuminati"
hand sign and wink, as she and her husband joined
the lawbreaking, satanist Hollywood sect, for a fame
that is not going to last and breed significant
legal disaster on a global scale.
I was the first to break the story
that former crack cocaine dealer turned rapper, Jay
Z, was cheating on his wife, singer Beyonce. Then,
the story made it into the mainstream press. Jay Z
then publicly denied cheating. However, years later
when Beyonce made an album entitled "Lemonade"
slamming his cheating, Jay Z finally told the truth
that he had indeed been cheating on Beyonce all
along (Jay Z Finally
Admits He Cheated On Wife Beyonce).

If unattractive Jay Z were not famous
none of these women would talk to him
The ironic thing is Jay Z never
stopped cheating. Jay Z likes to portray an image of
being very pro-black and militant. However, he sold
out football player, Colin Kaepernick. Not to
mention, Jay Z has been cheating on Beyonce with a
white girl. I believe love knows no color and people
should date or marry whichever race they want to be
with in life. However, I think Jay Z is a hypocrite
for his militant stance then cheating with a white
girl. What a fraud.
Trick Daddy Slams Beyonce And Jay Z
As Frauds
Beyonce And
Jay Z Copyright Infringement