Is America In A New Civil War
It Sure Feels Like It
January 19. 2021

Protester in Congress holding up the
racially offensive confederate flag on January 6, 2021
Is America in a civil war. It certainly feels like it after many people
stormed the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021, to protest the
disputed results of the 2020 presidential election. The confrontation
resulted in five people dying and millions in property damage at the

Capitol building riots on January 6, 20201
America is deeply divided and in ways that will not easily be repaired.
In fact the rift may continue for years and has the potential to breed
more violence and financial loss. President-elect Biden and Congress do
not appear to understand the issues driving the deep divisions, and
therefore cannot fix them.
Democrats Announce Articles Of
Impeachment Against President Donald Trump Again Over Capitol Riots
While The FBI's Conduct Endangers The Legislature Confirming Previous
Site Claims
President Donald Trump Banned On
Twitter, Facebook And Instagram In Acts Orchestrated By Congressional
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Protestors Storm The Capitol During
President-Elect Joe Biden's Confirmation Hearing (Video)