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Internet Slams Delusional Madonna For Slamming Whitney Houston As 'Horribly Mediocre' When She Can't Even Sing July 21. 2017
Madonna Over the past year I have written about the terrible jealousy that vile, mean-spirited, washed up pop tart, Madonna has exhibited towards the late, legendary singer, Whitney Houston (Untalented Madonna's Jealousy Of Talented Entertainers Such As Prince, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey And Celine Dion and Madonna Using Deceased Rapper Tupac For Publicity). Days after my most recent article on the subject, a letter written by Madonna, allegedly in the 1990s, was leaked to the public, revealing the untalented witch complaining about music rival Houston. In the letter, delusional Madonna referred to Houston as "horribly mediocre." Madonna is a damn madwoman. Madonna clearly suffers from the mental disorder where mentally insane, unintelligent people label others the things the accuser actually is in real life. It's a form of projecting self-hate, self-loathing, fears, insecurities, wishes or delusions on others they victimize out of jealousy, spite or insanity. No sane, competent person could refer to Houston as "horribly mediocre." Madonna was so jealous of Houston she began aggressively approaching her at industry events and harassing the late star over her successes with people like Kevin Coster, who is Madonna's ex-boyfriend (who dumped her like so many others). Madonna's insane letter is more proof of what I have written about her all along - she is insanely and aggressively jealous of talented entertainers, especially females, as she can't sing, dance or act and resents others for being able to do so. Madonna has commissioned criminal acts against other entertainers out of jealousy or because they rejected her. She is not a singer. She is a violent thief, hoodlum and low class trash. The mere fact Madonna had the unmitigated gall to refer to one of the greatest vocalists of all time as "horribly mediocre" also betrays the terrible level of self-importance she has built up in her deranged mind. No one pitted her against Houston, as they simply were not and will never be in the same vocal class. How Madonna thinks she is in the same class as Houston or better, is beyond me. Madonna is very far gone. Houston's peers are female vocalists with serious talent like Aretha Franklin, Jennifer Holliday, Celine Dion and Mariah Carey, among others. These are the women who sing and belt out notes Madonna could only dream of and will never be able to do, as her voice was meant for speaking, not professional singing. Speaking of that, Madonna's insane jealousy towards Houston was so severe, she stated in an interview posted on Twitter in response to her insane letter, that she had nightmares about Whitney stealing her spotlight. What a joke. Madonna never had the spotlight. Madonna, had the nerve to refer to herself as original in the letter, but she made a career out of stealing copyrights, making softcore porn music videos and flashing her manly body at audiences for attention. Where Houston's voice inspired admiration and applause for its magnificence, it brought out the worst from evil Madonna who knew she could not compete. Anyone who stole the music they perform should not have been famous, as they attained fame through stealing the property of others. That was not meant to be. That is criminal theft.
Whitney Houston I was a kid in the 1980s but I remember the history of music. Houston and Madonna debuted at roughly the same time. Madonna sounded like a chipmunk on crack and was immediately disregarded as a vocalist. Therefore, she resorted to dressing half naked, saying controversial things and giving lewd performances where she would lip sync. Arista Records CEO, Clive Davis, on the other hand, had massive clout (still does) and began carrying around a tall, thin woman who looked like a model (Houston was) but when she opened her mouth to sing, this massive, well-defined voice with a rich vibrato came out and stunned people. And that's how it started. It became a rivalry between the talented one and the pretender. Then a few short years after, Mariah Carey and Celine Dion, both debuted with big, strong voices and the field became even more competitive. Carey's whistle register wowed critics and fans on songs such as "Vision Of Love" and "Emotions." Dion blew people away with a massive, soulful voice reminiscent of old time gospel singers ("Where Does My Heart Beat Now" and her remake of "If You Asked Me To"). However, Houston cemented her title as "the voice" with the soundtrack and movie "The Bodyguard." Madonna was left reeling. Houston outsold her on the charts and established herself as an actress with that one project "The Bodyguard" in something Madonna woefully kept failing to do. Madonna kept trying to be an actress, but she is "horribly mediocre" and simply can't act. Madonna could not destroy Houston's career, as she had done to lesser known acts she stole copyrights and imagery from in the 1980s and 1990s (and continues to do so to this day), because Davis, an attorney turned label executive, saw Houston as his cash cow, who brought the label massive revenues, awards and acclaim. He was not going to allow Madonna to destroy Houston's career. Davis made a significant amount of money from Houston's first three albums. However, when he released "The Bodyguard" soundtrack, he was swimming in cash from the sheer number of copies it sold worldwide (45 million). The songs from the soundtrack were being played everywhere. People were amazed at the quality of the voice and the vocal gymnastics coming from Houston. Houston's remake of "I Will Always Love You" became a worldwide smash. Where her remake of "The Greatest Love Of All" made Houston a star, "I Will Always Love You" made her a superstar. Madonna could not compete, as she could not sing and did not have a hit of that caliber. She sang meaningless, forgettable pop trash. So, in an effort to compete with Houston, Carey and Dion, Madonna resorted to even more debauchery via releasing sexually explicit songs and music videos that could not be played during respectable hours, as they were labeled pornographic, which created a backlash against her as a depraved person desperate for fame and money. In actuality, Madonna is not a singer, actress or dancer, she's a porn star. Despite all the evidence Madonna can't sing or act, she continues to greatly inflate her music sales and label herself the best female artist, when that is a lie. Patti Page, who could sing, has sold more records than Madonna. Then, there's Tina Turner, Cher and Barbara Streisand, who are legendary singers with massive voices and have sold a significant amount of albums. There are so many accomplished female vocalists who are way ahead of Madonna. Yet, she is so detached from reality that she refuses to accept the fact she cannot do what is in her job title - sing. To praise Madonna for being a singer, is the equivalent of praising Bernie Madoff for being a stock broker. Feedback from Daily Mail (top) and Twitter (below):
STORY SOURCE Read the Letter Madonna Wrote Calling Whitney Houston 'Mediocre' The shade... Published 3 days ago - When you think of the late Whitney Houston’s voice and talent, a lot of adjectives come to mind, like “melodious” or “powerful” –– that is, unless you’re Madonna. A vintage letter penned by the pop star has recently surfaced in which she somehow mustered the courage to call Whitney “horribly mediocre.” The handwritten letter, which is currently being displayed at “The EX-hibition” in collaboration with Bravo and The Museum of Broken Relationships, is a one-page “breakup letter” to a former lover. In her message, she also blows off steam about Houston and actress Sharon Stone, whom she had often been compared to in the media. “It’s so unequivocally frustrating to read that Whitney Houston has the music career I wish I had, and Sharon Stone has the film career I'll never have,” the “Like a Virgin” singer wrote. “Not because I want to be these women because I’d rather die, but they’re so horribly mediocre and they’re always being held up as paragons of virtue or some sort of measuring stick to humiliate me.” For those who are thinking Madonna couldn't have possibly let those words slip off the tip of her pen, the letter is legitimate. It was reportedly donated by Madonna’s former art curator and has a hefty price tag of $3,000 to $5,000. The letter comes only briefly after the internet uncovered an old interview clip of Madonna where she detailed repeated nightmares she was having about Houston taking away her spotlight. Madonna definitely gets a page in the music history books but, icon or not, she cannot come for Whitney... RELATED ARTICLES Hollywood, FBI And CIA Holding Up Life Saving Pharmaceutical Drug Patents Out Of Financial Greed |
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