Inflation In America Reaching Record Highs Under
President Joe Biden
December 10. 2021

Joe Biden
A new report has confirmed what I
have stated on this site for months, regarding
skyrocketing inflation in America. Some tried to
deny it several weeks ago, but now it is front page
news all over America and the Joe Biden
administration is being blamed.
Today's edition of the left
leaning "NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt" revealed
inflation has risen so sharply that gas has gone up
58.1%, heating on 59.3%, beef 20.9% and used cars
31%. Grocery bills in America have gone up by
hundreds of dollars per month. As stated on the site
previously, JP Morgan expects the price of gas to
increase even further.
In response to the economic damage
occurring under President Biden that Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell stated, "More borrowing, more
printing, more reckless spending. Inflation is out
of control on the Democrat's watch."
Biden does not know how to fix the
U.S. economy or successfully address the pandemic,
and America is paying a terrible price for it.
Obama's puppet Biden was determined to be president,
even though he is not the best man for the job.
America is going to hit unprecedented lows because
of him and that's no joke. This was the worst
possible time in U.S. history for something like
this to happen.
World leaders such as Vladimir Putin
and Kim Jong-Un are laughing at Biden. They don't
take him seriously. Biden is being labeled old,
feeble and mentally ill in the world. They simple
don't fear him. He's a global laughingstock with his
gaffes, memory lapses and economic failures.
Biden's mind is failing him
everyday, as he has dementia and never should have
been made president. A person can have dementia, but
you can't have dementia and be president. The
Constitution forbids it.
America Is Experiencing A Dire 10,100,000 Job
Openings Due To Economic Mismanagement And 100,000
New Coronavirus Cases Per Day After President Joe
Biden Told The Public To Take Off Their Masks
Prices In America Reach 30-Year High Under President
Joe Biden's Damaging Inflation