Hollywood Lays Off Thousands Of People As The
Industry Falls Under The Coronavirus PandemicNovember 25. 2020

Hollywood is facing bankruptcy due to the
coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19). Movie theatres were forced to close
for several months and business has not returned to normal even with
the current re-openings across the country. People simply do not
feel safe in such places as it is difficult to social distance and
pack in enough people to turn a profit per showing.
The pandemic has also damaged the television
industry, as studios temporarily shuttered for several months during
the pandemic. The studios ran many reruns on television, which do
not bring in anywhere near as much money as first run programming.
Recording artists have also been hit hard during the
pandemic. Most record deals are not making money for the artists,
and in a new twist, labels are suffering from greatly diminished
profits as well. The pandemic brought touring to a screeching halt,
which is recording artists top revenue source.
An article in the industry publication Variety
magazine stated Hollywood has been hit with "mass layoffs" due to
the coronavirus. Warner Bros, Sony, Lionsgate and Discovery have
"let sizable numbers of staffers go in 2020" according to Variety.
Quibi streaming has also collapsed and shuttered.
Tens of thousands of people in Hollywood have lost their jobs. Many
people have been fired, as Hollywood tries to stay afloat via
streaming content. I predict terrible times are coming for
Hollywood...the worst it has ever seen.
Hollywood Grapples With Mass Layoffs as the Biz Redefines
Itself for Streaming Future
Warner Bros. Wonder Woman Layoffs
Nov 25, 2020 7:00am PT - This is the winter of
discontent for Hollywood workers, as no level of seniority has been
spared from the wave of mass layoffs. Warner Bros. has been shaken
by two rounds of layoffs and a wholesale restructuring that have
ushered out veterans with decades of service to the Hollywood
NBCUniversal has rewired the structure of its TV
content production and distribution operations, leading to hundreds
of job cuts. ViacomCBS has periodically shed bodies by the dozens in
the year since its two halves formally tied the knot again in
December 2019. AMC Networks last week disclosed it will let go of
10% of its U.S. workforce, or about 100 staffers. Discovery Inc.,
Sony Pictures and Lionsgate have also let sizable numbers of
staffers go in 2020.
And Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman’s short-form
video streaming service Quibi shut down just six months after a
much-ballyhooed launch last April, leaving thousands of executives
Layoffs are hard on any company. But the current
round of downsizing among traditional entertainment giants is even
more alarming for seasoned industry workers because the cuts reflect
a momentous transition in the business needs at the major studio and
network groups. Market analysts see it as a painful but necessary
byproduct of change...
Hollywood Is Taking A Massive
Financial Hit Due To The Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Hollywood Stars And Executives
Fleeing California